That’s a great point. However, sometimes the little ones just know when they love something, and as long as it’s them making the choice they continue that love. I mean look at Tiger, he knew from the time he could walk. Even with the demands of Earl, he still stayed the course.
Reviving this thread…
I tend to keep my ball striking fresh during the winter hitting balls into a net inside with SkyTrak. This winter I’m going to focus on speed more.
At 5’8" and 150 lbs, no one usually sees me coming, but I’d like to see how far I can push it with distance. Call it a mixture of Napoleon Complex and Bryson influence.
Here’s my starting point. I just clocked 110 mph swing speed on the PRGR, and my SkyTrak has me close to 160 mph ball speed. My goal is to get to 170 mph ball speed by spring (hopefully beyond).
I’m going to use a mixture of SuperSpeed and a lot of the workouts from Fit 4 Golf. I’ll keep you updated with my progress!
I want to get back to doing SuperSpeed; I need to get another radar. Kirke does his SuperSpeed training in the basement (lucky him, he still can fit a full swing down there). I tend to do mine in my office building (ahem); but I’m not going to always remember to shuttle the radar back and forth.
Yes!! Get to smashing, @jon!!
I’m zoning in on wedge distance control and Hulk smashing. I have fantasies of seeing 180 ball speed. Super Speed/CrossFit gonna get me there.
I’m with you! I want to have a ball speed up above 175! Doing what I can to get there. Can’t wait to see what it is with the RAPSODO.
Ah, at 5’7” and 150lb then there’s hope for me yet! Need to work on speed. However I have recently tripped over the dial into my 50s…
Just wanted to add my winter set up. Just got the garage sorted and everything set up. I even think I can just move the mat and get both cars in. 185 ball speed here we come.
Can’t wait to get the SC300 in and start playing around. Thanks again @jon!
I know a guy that just turned 60 and he’s like 5’ 7" and maybe 150 and he can still hit the ball over 300. Of course he’s been doing Crossfit since it came to be, but it just proves there’s hope for all of us. I need to get some SuperSpeed sticks and get going as I’m not making good use of my gigantic 5’ 10" frame
I do fitness year round but that is key in the off season. We don’t have it as bad you do in Virginia. Courses don’t typically close except for when the greens need to be covered. With that said, I typically do putting drills and orange whip swings (I have the Jr one for inside swings) if I can’t get out side. Also work on grip and alignment. Even if our greens are covered we can get on the course and hit balls. It’s cold, but a good check to make sure things are progressing or possibly identify what is next to work on.
My biggest winter goal is to get my back healthy… hopefully I’m on the right path…
From there, I’m hoping to build club head speed. If my club finishes its simulators, I’ll spend time dialing in consistent wedge swings and working on dialing in my full iron swings…
I also want to work on path!
So England is set for another lockdown. Sadly the comprehensive rules means everything will be closed from Thursday including golf courses, ranges and gyms. Seems perfect time to overcome my procrastination and get on Fit for Golf! For home workouts what do you recommend in terms of equipment, bands etc? I’d rather keep it simple so happy with bands, maybe a kettle bell and medicine ball
I think you’ll be able to get most of them done with kettlebells, resistance bands, medicine balls (maybe a few barbells). You can modify most workouts. For example, I don’t use a medicine ball, but can mimic those movements with a resistance band.
I agree with this, but will say the medicine ball is much more satisfying for me to work out with… throwing it vs stretching a band… I also think I go after it harder…
Might also be part of the reason I hurt my back! (I did not work up to harder exercises and just basically jumped into a exercise routine… not particularly smart on my end…)
Golf simulators are confirmed for my club! Should be in by Christmas… I’m pretty excited…
Plans are to work on path and do the Adam 7 iron challenge… also really want to spend some time building a consistent 1/2 and 3/4 swing.
Kirke’s working on building speed right now. Touching 70 from time-to-time with the driver right now. Hoping to be threatening 75+ by the spring.
My Winter Practice Goals are:
Driver- consistent contact (lesson with a coach)
Irons - solid contact
Swing tempo
Simulaton bay time - once a week in the bay with my golf balls after practice sessions in my garage
Putting - continue working on lag putting and putts up to 10ft and in
Wedges- 80 to 10 yds distances with different lies. I have a soccer field behind my house. Will have to bundle up.
Play- go down south to GA & SC while visiting family and play a few rounds
Set up coins on the ground at a few stroke length intervals (say 20, 30 , 40 ft stroke length for you)
Spray putter face with foot powder and turn on metronome. Hit the put solid into a few pillows
Bonus points for a gate (id make it forgiving, focus is on center face contact)
As an update, i was in my garage practicing with my driver. I hit my driver 7 times, and I had one strike at the bottom the rest was kind of in the center. Getting better slowly here is the picture of my strike pattern:
Not bad. Most strikes look a little high on the face. Maybe tee it down just a skosh. If it’s a fixed height tee, try moving it back in your stance a half a ball width. The center strikes are good.
Will do Gisclairj, I will be doing this again tomorrow afternoon. I have my lesson on Monday making sure I know what I want to convey to my coach on what I am seeing, what I want to work on to improve on, feedback, and drills to work on over the winter. My tees are fixed heights, I will work on moving the ball back a half a ball. Thanks