Hopefully it helps. Driver and putter are the only two clubs where the intent is to strike out on the up swing. Where your contact is tells me (I’m no coach, or even close, but have had similar issues) you’re hitting it a fraction late. Like a 1/4 inch imagine that at 100+ mph. Doesn’t take much to change. If a half a ball is too much then split the difference. The near center face contact of great!
Boy do I love that low heel shot with the driver. Something to work on this winter for sure.
@mpatrickriley also from Michigan (lower peninsula), my offseason program has begun. It is as follows:
Daily meditation from Calm app
Fitness program from 18STRONG (that includes SuperSpeed training)
Putting practice with Perfect Practice
Swing mechanics with the TourStriker PlaneMate
Once a month (Nov-Mar) indoor golf with a buddy
Reading “The Lost Art of Playing Golf” and “The Lost Art of Putting”
That’s it…for now LOL Next season starts today!
Mostly a brag post, but this is from a speed training session I did (basically hitting 20 or so drivers as hard as I possibly can). I have my doubts about the accuracy of this simulator as it was giving a lot of weird results all day, but its my first time seeing 130 club head speed, so I’m counting it lol. My head is blocking the ball speed but it was in the high 170s - strike was in the heel which resulted in the low smash factor and 4000 spin.
Awesome work! What’s your normal club head speed look like?
Will be practicing some of EVERYTHING!!!
Probably most time, as usual, will be spent on chipping/pitching and putting but will also be doing a bunch of full swing drills working on path-face-impact position.
Building speed & distance would be nice, but I need to continue to solidify the foundation of my swing!
I would guess my gaming swing speed right now is in the 118-122 range. About 3mph faster than it was at the end of the season.
My goals:
- increase swing speed using Superspeed training
- improving strength and flexibility with workouts and yoga
- improve center face contact using Strike Spray.
I was locked in with the driver today. Here’s 7 swings.
Here in Georgia, we don’t really have an offseason. But once it dips down into the thirties (like today), I begin thinking about my goals for next year. During the winter, I am focusing primarily on my pivot. I have a tendency to lean towards the target at the top of my backswing. I’d like to eliminate that motion entirely from my swing. I would also like to remain in my posture throughout the backswing-no up/down and no early extension.
I plan to use my Live View camera to focus on these posture movements. Working with my instructor, I hope to get a series of drills that I can focus on. A lot of this will be indoors, so I do have some concern about how it transfers to the range and to the course. But my focus will be reps–doing the right movement repeatedly until I get it right. I can always get the club on the ball, but when you’re moving all over the place, you can never be consistent. I’d also like to fix my hand path, but one thing at a time.