The Evolution of a Middle-Aged Golfer

It’s been years since I read the “little red golf book”—I was so psyched in high school when I got a free copy with my subscription to golf magazine. I’ll see if I can find a copy and check it out!


I re-read it every year. I got this one for Christmas a few years ago, has Little Red Book plus some other musings


Really enjoyed this article. I love to see the game evolving and the dialogue around it. As a 33 year old and former college athlete (not golf) I can relate to aging but still wanting to be competitive with myself.
Def going to send it more and keep my focus on having fun. Because this sport is really dang hard.


This!! I got really stuffy in my late teens and 20s because I was playing a lot of competitive golf and the game just got harder than it already was. It was work and a grind.

Once I sort of looked myself in the mirror and had a come to Jesus about my love for the game I realized I wasn’t having fun. So I took two years off competition and only played for fun. And guess what, my play got better. Scores dropped. Everything improved.

I got back into competition, but I start off every tournament telling my group, “Let’s have some fun.”


Loved the article @Ebs02 and recognised my own experiences in a lot of it (commented on the piece directly, too).

One thing I’d like to read up on now relates to your comments on ball launch conditions, which presupposes a certain amount of knowledge I don’t currently have. The Trackman side of the game is still a bit of an unknown to me, but would love to get on one and really pin down my yardages.

Specifically, it seems my current view on how to hit a draw (which I can do) or fade (which I can’t) is out of date, as I’m still attempting it the old-fashioned way…!

@jon Are there any articles on the site (or elsewhere) that go into this in further detail?

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Instructors like Andrew Rice and @Adamyounggolf are great resources to learn ball flight laws. Watch this video:


Wonderful - thank you :slight_smile:

Great video. Memorable explanation that the fade/draw (not to mention hook/slice) is created by the face RELATIVE to path, not independent of each other.

That is pure gold! Now if I can put it into play.


They’ve got to work together!

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Love this essay and I have sent the link to a several people already.

-golf IS hard-

Perfect thought to have when having a bad day on the course.

I grew up playing in the 90s, saw the Burner Bubble driver come out, the Big Bertha, and that seems to have changed a lot, the big heads, the technology, my coach says he tries to get him the kids he works with hitting driver 250-275 by freshman year. Technology with equipment and ball flight analysis.

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Thanks for sharing this @jon and @Ebs02. Great read!

As a 42 year old, I’d like to believe 40 isn’t middle age though. :smirk:


It’s not as long as you plan to live until 130-140 like Bryson.


Yes it was really interesting, thanks again (was getting late here when you posted it @jon so didn’t have a chance to reply properly).

Very easy way to visualise it - and I’m relieved to discover I did have a handle on the relative physics of it. For whatever reason I find it much easier to crack with a draw than a fade (which tends to just hold straight), but I’ll have this video in mind next time I’m at the range.

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Understanding why the golf ball curves is important info. I know it’s helped in my game!

Wow love the article. Beautifully written. And the content - well it tells you everything you need to know about golf.

This August I played the first course I ever set foot on in the small town I grew up in Scotland with two old school mates. I now live near London and I hadn’t played this course for about 30 years. Oh my it was so lush. Bright green thick grass. Expertly manicured greens. Little dry stone walls lining streams and retaining banks. Lovely architectural touches everywhere and well maintained. The sun was out and with the sea providing the perfect backdrop to the course I was snapping away on my phone like a tourist. Absolute bliss. Growing up I always thought of the club as being up market. I found membership is about 60% of my course in the south of England! :weary:


Great shot! Glad you enjoyed the read I think @Ebs02 did a fantastic job

I think so much about path that I’ve never thought about how the path affects the club face.

I think controlling the face of the club at impact is perhaps the most important ball striking skill. Most golfers have consistent club paths, but they have a hard time managing where the face is pointing (it has to be functional relative to the path). @Adamyounggolf and I discussed that in this podcast


You’re right yet most golfers spend 90% of their energy trying to change their path, usually without much success.

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