Where My Accessory Nerds At?

So I’m a bit of a custom headcover freak. I get far too excited about this stuff. My current lineup is a Daphne’s bulldog on my driver as a memorial to my now passed English bulldog, Capone. A Cayce “The Goat” Tiger stripes 3 wood headcover for obvious reasons. And a custom fireworks/stars and stripes hybrid headcover from SunFish because my dad was in the fireworks business for 40 years.

My one area of true pain has been the headcover on my Odyssey 7 Mini. Impossible to find good custom options for a small mallet.

BUT I’m replacing my putter with a new EVNRoll ER2 Black so the world of putter covers is reopened to me. To say I’m excited is an understatement.

I’m very grateful for the PG article below from @jon

Anyone have any other companies they really like?



I became friendly with the owners over at Sunfish. Really great guys who are down to earth and have built a nice business for themselves. So many awesome accessory companies to choose from now!


They were incredible when I ordered my hybrid cover and I get a TON of compliments and comments about. They kept up communication when they were having a hard time getting materials during the pandemic. Really appreciate people who very obviously care about what they’re doing.


I’ve got a leather maker in this category… super nice, super knowledgeable… very interested in what he’s doing… he made my wallet for me. North Star leather out of South Carolina… I’d give him more money but his wallet is made too well to need replacement!

I only have one head over and it’s a moose. No real story behind it, it’s just my driver headcover.


Check out https://golficonic.com/ and https://www.roseandfire.com/pages/custom-shop?gclid=Cj0KCQjwlvT8BRDeARIsAACRFiVlydDkE0OTy0QtMexYh4BpuvabYtzNtW03wwck9oGrd3rJRYD-4qYaAnETEALw_wcB


I’ve never had a custom headcover but I really appreciate your ability to express your personality with them @Bigdadenergy.


If fishing through the barrel of "unclaimed since 2015 " golf accessories is wrong, I don’t want to be right!

My home course lets you rifle through a big barrel of stuff once it’s been sitting there for at minimum two seasons. I replaced the iron covers I lost, and my lost driver cover, twice.

I’m hell on club covers, I lose them constantly, which is why I’ll never buy anything fancy or expensive.
Ditto on sunglasses.


We gotta talk about the iron covers.

I’m with you on sunglasses. I lost my last expensive pair years ago. I refuse to spend more then $15 on a pair anymore.

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I splurged on a VERY expensive pair of Revo sunglasses and promptly left them in a dressing room at Macy’s. Now I buy sunglasses at the Dollar store.

I’m pretty lucky finding club covers at garage and estate sales, if I see them I buy them, given my track record.:roll_eyes:


Gotta ditch those iron covers.


Which got me thinking ( and Googling), and found this:

I can’t get behind getting rid of all headcovers - but iron covers…

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What do you think about ball markers? Are you the poker chip guy? The old coin guy? Use whatever you have in your bag? Some people are really into ball markers. I like flat ones personally. There are some cool copper ones I saw on Sunfish. Not sure I would pony up 40 bucks for one though.

Poker chips kind of annoy me in an irrational way. Hahaha


Poker chips drive me nuts. Yes please put a 1/4” tall wall in my line. So stupid.

I have a small collection of ball markers. My most used is the Kobe Bryant one pictured below. A friend of mine from across the pond makes them (@sawyercogolf on Instagram) and he’s been kind enough to make me a couple and send them over. I have one special one from him I’m saving for my kiddo as it was made while he was in the NICU. Other than that just an Iowa Hawkeyes one that’s one of those that comes with a divot tool and magnet.


No joke, then ask me if I need it moved ! So annoying. If you’re within ten feet, its common courtesy to me to use something smaller to not distract other people but that’s just me in some cases.

I’m going to check out the Sawyer Co. That looks really nice. Awesome personal touch to it also. I have one from when I was a kid probably 25 years ago now that has made it from bag to bag but I rarely use it. Just a plastic flat marker that says- patronize your pro- lol given to me by the pro of the first club I played at. I’ll let you know if I end up getting a ‘fancy’ one!


Tom’s a great guy and can make you just about anything you want. He’s playing around with some new stuff that’s really cool. I’m tempted to order some more.

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I just sent him a message to see if he could do a pentagram. I’m not satanic or anything I just like that symbol. Seems easy enough but figured I would ask.

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You’re speaking my language, @Mell1313. Guaran-damn-tee that if I get a nice new pair of expensive sunglasses for the course, I’m either going to forget them somewhere or break them. Bring on the cheapies for me on the course!

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I’m big on the flat metal magnetic ones with a hat clip. I pretty much always wear a hat, so I know I’ve always got a ball marker on the brim.


I’ve seen a bunch of ladies wear these. Makes sense to have one close by, just never seen men wear them. Could be wrong though! I don’t see a reason to keep it gender specific.

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