I was reading an article on TPI a while ago that lower back pain can be caused by inflexibility in the thoracic spine region. I found a local TPI certified Physical Therapist and went for a single evaluation. He checked a number of things like range of motion, strength and whether these deficiencies inhibited the correct golf swing motion. I got a series of stretches and exercises to improve.
My purpose was not to improve my score but minimize my lower back pain. These exercises helped some. But like most PT, as soon as the pain goes away, you stop doing the exercises.
The following year was a repeat. This time I went to a different PT and did a series of six visits where they pretty much kicked my ass. My post evaluation showed 50% improvement in some areas of flexibility and strength. BTW, the take home exercises were very similar to what the TPI guy recommended.
I listen to “The on the Mark” podcast with Mark Immelman. He had two different guests talk about the need to improve lower abdomen and glute strength to prevent lower back pain. I’m a slow learner. This was now the third time I heard pretty much the same advice. I now incorporate those exercises with the PT exercises I received and do those weekly. It helps.