Practice net for garage

I have a Rukket net for my garage right now. I struggle for room in my house and garage. The Rukket is really wide and rather deep. I haven’t measured it but it’s basically all the way across a one car garage. I feel like a heavy mat hanging straight down would be ideal kind of like some simulator projector screens. What do you fellow indoor winter guys use?

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I have a Spornia SPG which I really like! Forget the dimensions but you can find it on their site; maybe about 7ft wide.

Prior to that I actually had the netting from a pop-up style net where the frame failed. Worked ok but eventually started to develop wear spots so had to replace it.

If you’re looking for more compact SKLZ has different sizes of their “Quikster” net.

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I have the Rukket, as well. I haven’t used it indoors yet, but I haven’t been in love with it. Been wondering if it will pass for what I want to do in the garage and have the same concerns you do.

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Super easy setup, works well, the frame is so cumbersome in my garage though. If you have the room then it’d be great. Going on year 3 so I have made it work. My wife says golf overtakes the garage for winter which kind of is true lol. Just thinking of consolidating if possible.

A quick google and it appears to be quite a bit more compact! I will do some measuring and see about it. The other thing with the Rukket is that the ball tends to fly back at me. I put something soft under the bottom to help. That one looks interesting!

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Not a guy ( :wink:) but I have a hitting mat in my garage, a ginormous basket of foam practice balls and a sturdy garage door.
I just wham them into the door, unless I’m hitting chip shots, I put a bucket in front of the door for those.
It’s low rent but it keeps me swinging all winter.
I do occasionally wonder what the neighbors must think…


Sorry for not being a little more pc in my post!

I don’t have the foam balls but maybe I should because I have sent some outside the net and bounced around the garage like crazy. I may have broken a couple things too… don’t tell the wife.

I have this LED light that hangs over my mat. Probably too bright but it’s what I bought so I use it.

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Nah, I’m just giving you the business for fun!


I’ve heard an old mattress works well too.

My ideal setup - since I don’t have the space for a complete hitting bay without forcing my wife and I’s cars into the driveway all winter (not an option) - is something I can tear down and set up quickly. I can do this with the Rukket, but I’m wary of how stable it is without the ground stakes I use in my yard.
My buddy just got a Net Return and I love it but they’re so SO expensive.

I just posted the journey I’ve been on designing a similar space in my garage. I have some pictures in this post: My SkyTrak Journey

I like the SPG7 net a lot.


Initially I would just hit the foam balls into my garage door, but last year I bought a Rukket pop up net because the balls would go flying all over and I also wanted to hit real balls to know what kind of contact I was making. The Rukket is pretty large. I thought about just getting netting or some sort of sheet/tarp to hang, but I felt like the Rukket was the simpler and quicker way for setup and tear down and if it was too time consuming then I wouldn’t do it. I still need to get a larger piece of foam or carpet though as real balls hit into the net still can hit the garage floor and shoot out.

I use the Rukket in the garage and it doesn’t move much. It blows over in my backyard without stakes, but it’s fine in the garage. You can always set something heavy-ish on the straps to keep it in place I would guess. I actually use some rocks outside rather than stakes as I usually don’t leave it up…the wife feels it ruins her view of the backyard lol.

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I have to say that the Rukket is a great net. I have been using it for 3 years like I said and it doesn’t fail me. I have problems with the balls shooting back at me pretty quick. The garage floor also makes them bounce pretty good and can scuff the balls up, also something I’m not too worried about. You can add a blanket or something soft to the bottom to help with it. The setup and take down is pretty quick overall. If there is any wind outside it blows over pretty easily even using weights on the frame. The problem for me is that it is very wide. I looked it up and I think the bottom width is 118" vs 87" on the SPG7. That is pretty considerable. But I also read that the SPG7 takes a lot of practice to take down which may or may not happen if I get one haha. You also need some clearance behind the Rukket since the net gives a decent amount especially on driver hits. My snow blower has taken some accidental abuse from this as well as a couple of breakable items that shattered because it was too close(my stupid fault). So I am getting by with the Rukket but also looking for something a tad smaller if possible.


Ryan, the king of DYI, posted this on IG earlier. His ceiling is almost 10 feet.


To roll/fold it completely up is not too bad (needs a little practice and following the directions) … but even easier…
…if you can move/store the two halves un-folded (approx 7’ x 7’ flat) you can just remove the two side uprights.

No it’s not a cheap net but it seems to be really high quality and has a lot of great features - including ball return so you can practice with a single golf ball (and no padding needed under the net).


The ball return looks like a great feature. I bought the Rukket because it looked very simple to pop-up and put away and there was a great sale last year that made it really attractive. I saw the SPG7, but I worried that I’d spend a lot more and then not use it if the set-up and tear down was too long. The Rukket is a bit annoying as I have 2 decent size pieces of carpet I throw down to keep the balls from bouncing out off the garage floor. My garage is sort of an undersized 2-car so space is at a premium.


It looks like how you fold one of those pop up beach tents, or car windshield covers haha.

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Exactly how it works. However, I have the side and top bonus extensions (not really necessary at this point, but if you get a hacker in your garage you want it) so those take a little longer to take down. As @cksurfdude says, you can just fold it down and store it vertically very quickly.


Foam balls are great! I like to short pitch them into a bushel basket in my looooong living room. The added benefit (?) is my cat sits in the basket and gets his exercise trying to catch them!