Mindful Gratitude Out on the Course

Been a little bit, so I figured I’d share another mindfulness exercise you could try out on the course, this one focused on gratitude. Could be a good one for mid round if you’re feeling frustrated, or really at any time.
Take a moment to pause and take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth, closing your eyes on the out breath. Try to open your awareness to where you are, what you hear, and the ground beneath your feet. Then focus on three things you are grateful for in that moment. It could be the weather, the bounce off the tree into the fairway, or simply the fact that you are able to be there on the golf course. Voice these things out loud if your comfortable doing so. Last, think of one person you are grateful to in that moment, maybe a significant other who is taking care of the kids so you can play, or a parent who first introduced you to the game. Take one more breath, open your eyes and continue on.
Using gratitude is a really powerful tool for raising your mood and increasing optimism. Additionally, the benefits of gratitude can be exponential if you take it outside yourself. For example, that person you thanked in your exercise? Try actually thanking them if possible as this has a positive impact on them as well.


Having an attitude of gratitude is important for golf and for life. Thanks for sharing the exercise.


This is my main focus this year and moving forward. It’s incredible what it does for your outlook and attitude when you’re just thankful for what you have or who’s in your life and pertaining to golf, just being out there.


And being happy with whatever game you’ve brought to the course that day. Expectations can be a bad thing for golf.


Hole 1 - do @CoryO gratitude exercise

Hole 2 - wife calls to ask about pace of play

Hole 3 - go full tilt and hit driver ob


…well I have written about dividing the round into three hole segments and doing a reset between, so maybe can give that a try :sweat_smile:


This is why you should never take your phone on the golf course. :wink:

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LMAO :joy:

My wife fully supports my golf habit and we have had many conversations about texting during a round. If its an emergency or something pressing by all means let me know.
Otherwise, she leaves me alone while golfing. lol.


My wife kinda, sorta, maybe wants to learn to play. I got her a basic set of clubs and her natural swing isn’t half bad, so we’ll see where that goes.


My wife actually knows a tremendous amount about golf now after editing 400+ articles over the last 6 years.

She still has zero interest in playing :joy::man_shrugging:


I’ve read blog articles … and attended a clinic … from a mental game coach who includes this approach; he emphasizes…

“Attitude of Gratitude”

…coupled with…

“Attitude drives Performance”

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I always like the count down from 5

5 things you see
4 things you hear
3 things you feel
2 things you smell
1 thing you like about yourself

A simple technique that takes 30 seconds but clears your frustration as your concentration is shifted and it also ends on a positive building self esteem.


Good woman. Mine is the same. The benefit of marrying a girl who grew up with a golf dad.


Wow, I love this, I am definitely going to remember this for the future.