Golfing No No's

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Took me a second to realize what I was even looking at. A weight to keep the tee findable? Back when I was playing places where the ground might still be near frozen, guys would have weighted rubber tees just because it was so tough to get anything in the ground. Having a chunk of metal on a piece of string relatively close to an object moving 80+ mph (a golf club) does seem like a bad idea though.

I chuckled as how tight must you be when a tee costs 50c :joy::joy::joy:


Fix yo damn divot!


Standing on other peoples lines on the green. It is lucky I have a Bullseye putter and if I putt it close I can tap in left handed or else I mark my ball to avoid standing on other peoples lines. I wish everyone else would be equally considerate.


Hitting irons off the tee—all the time because you can’t hit a driver. Hitting a driver is the biggest pleasure in golf. It you’ve given up on that, take up tennis.


Not fixing ball marks on the green is my pet peeve. It takes 15 seconds to do it right and keeps the greens in good condition.


I’m with you and always try to avoid other people’s lines as much as possible. I honestly think this bit of etiquette is more about tradition at this point than any sort of actual impact on how the putt will roll considering modern golf spikes (and especially the spikeless shoes these days). If anything, we’re probably impacting the green more with all our lunge and sauté moves we use to try to avoid stepping on someone’s line.
I’ll keep trying to avoid standing on lines I’m sure, but won’t feel frustrated if someone stands on mine. If I miss the putt, it won’t be because of that.

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I try to fix at least 2 on every green that I’m on.


Couldn’t agree more. I usually fix mine and at least two or three others. Gotta make up for the knuckleheads.


:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: brilliant …

That drives me crazy! I fix em all day long.
LOL about 6 weeks ago I saw one at the cup, a biggie and no body cares…


Playing at a local goat track yesterday, literally half the hole was caved in. Either an amazing shot or (more likely) someone was angry after missing a putt and smashed it with their putter.

People who throw tantrums all round drive me nuts. Have I dropped a few choice words after a day of slicing the ball into oblivion? Of course! But I also let it go and try to find positives rather than slamming or throwing clubs and overall just throwing a fit. It’s kinda embarrassing for a grown person to act like that no matter how frustrating golf can be


Is there anything else in the world people will spend $1000+ on and then proceed to smash into the ground and throw around?

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Being a 20 hdcp and trying to tell me how to do literally anything on a golf course. You just focus on trying to turn 6 into 5 there Leonard.

And fix your divots. For the love.


Sadly been there and done it when i was off 18; now down to singles I’d never hurt my babies lol

Saw a group in front of me once, obviously livid about how they play golf. Waiting on the tee, I see a guy fire one into the woods, promptly turn around and throw his club in our direction. Its like- if you are gonna throw a club, which obviously I don’t condone, at least throw it in the direction you are going to be walking. There is a reason we are waiting on the tee for your slow ass. I kind of laughed at the stupidity


Nothing can be more annoying then lining up a birdie putt and along comes a cart playing loud music. Not that I mind they like to listen to it, but you can imagine trying to putt and along comes A ZZ Top song Full blast, lol.

Not fixing ball marks is easily my biggest peeve, and as others have said, I try to fix two anytime I get on the green.

I’ve also been standing on a tee box, 20-30 yards from a previous holes’ green, and had an approach shot land near my feet and go skipping through the tee box, with no ‘fore’ or ‘heads up’ from the group hitting. That annoyed me as well…

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