Golfing No No's

My top 3 are

  1. Slow play
  2. Slow play
  3. Slow play

So Iā€™m relatively new to American style of golf but what kills me is when you have a 4ball aharing two carts and the group sharing go to one ball, play and then wait for other cart to play then drive to their other ball thus backing up the courseā€¦

Its like youā€™re not allowed to leave a 5m proximity of yoir cart on the fairway!! Rant over lol


Tell us how you really feel about pace of play! Hahaha


I work on a resort golf course, that only has cart paths near tees and greens. Nevertheless, its annoying seeing people driving up and parking on the sides of tee boxes. I donā€™t have a problem when its someone elderly who has trouble walking, but more often its 20-30 year old men hitting from the back tees. Poor guys have trouble walking 30 feet from their cart up a slight elevationā€¦


TimS you keep preaching, the Golfing Gods will shine on you :yum:

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Oh man Iā€™ve seen this so many timesā€¦its like entering the course removes ability to walk anywhere lol

GolfVictim are you saying you like to play fast :dash:?

I tell people that old line from Yogi Berra. ā€œSwing hard you might hit itā€

I barely hit a green in regulation now days So you donā€™t have to worry much about ball marks :crazy_face:

And then you got the ones who park their cart directly in front of the green when they putt. Wonā€™t even mention the few who drive carts across the green to get to the next teeā€¦

Yeah man. Letā€™s keep it around 4 hours. Golf is meant to be a sport.

Slow play.

End of discussion.

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Iā€™ve got to add another pet peeve that I noticed more than a few times during my round yesterday. I hate seeing divots, especially those large gouges of turf, setting aside the huge hole in the ground that the player just made. If youā€™re going to take a divot, then go get the swatch of soil, place back in the hole, and tamp it down with your foot.
Flipping the divot back toward the gouge as you walk toward your next shot does nothing to help the situation. Do the people who do that expect the next guy, like me, to come along and place the divot back in its hole? Well, I guess they do.


Always been told it is incorrect to replace a divot as that grass is just going to die.

The correct way is to use the sand provided and fill in the divot completely and smooth it over

From the USGA:
ā€œReplacing your divot is always the best option for repair, assuming it has some soil attached. If the entire divot explodes into pieces, look around for any other usable divot that can fit in your scar.ā€,can%20fit%20in%20your%20scar.
As long as there is still soil there, the grass can still live. Putting a handful of grass in the hole wonā€™t do anything though.

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I donā€™t disagree, but unfortunately our course doesnā€™t provide sand in our carts + whatā€™s a walker supposed to do?

Leaving the divot is a double whammy visually. Thereā€™s a big hole and a swatch of earth sitting right next to it that looks like the person who hit it doesnā€™t care.

Something I thought about this morning (was going to make a thread but decided here is a good place for it) is giving swing advice during to others during the round. The absolute worst is people who give unsolicited swing advice, please donā€™t ever ever be that person. Happened to me plenty playing as a single when I was younger, but not so much anymore. Even when asked out on the course, I donā€™t give direct swing advice (like do this at the top of your backswing, or you have a chicken-wing so try this) and instead will offer a generic band-aid thatā€™s more mental than anything (like having a tee or a spot a couple inches in front of the ball as your focus instead of the ball itself). Adding another swing thought in the middle of a poor round isnā€™t going to do anyone any good, even if they ask for it. After the round, Iā€™ll talk with people about their swing if they want to hear it, but not during.


The guy in front of me with the ball retriever that feels the need to fish out of every pond, and reach through every fence for stray balls (not his own).

Normally Iā€™m a easy-going, agreeable old fart.
I HATE playing with other old farts that have those pick-the-ball-out-of-the-cup contraptions on their putters. They rip up & mangle the lip of the cup! They should be arrested, shot and then have their arses kicked!
The very same oaf that ā€˜has a bad backā€™ has no issue bending over on the next tee! Bad back my eye! If you canā€™t bend over, take up shuffleboard.

There, Iā€™m better.

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The course I play, if you lift the flag the ball(s) raise up, problem solved. Didnā€™t know those ball pickers damage the cup! They are handy for practice greens.