Which is about the course my sis, BIL, and I played today. (The Woodlands Country Club Oaks Course, White Tees—they’re staying at the resort while waiting for my wedding Saturday. So I bought them a round of golf.)
First real course in awhile. Need to play more. The starter was very pumped about their 12 Stimping greens. Indeed, they were pretty quick. I liked it. Had a bunch of lip-outs and robbery, but that’s golf. Shot 92. We had fun. First HDCP score for me. One of those rounds where there was much better ballstriking at times despite the score. And much worse, of course. 40 yd sand shot to 4 feet and dead shank 105 yd 52 wedge (after a measured 287 yd drive, naturally) being some of the polar extremes.
Eager to get there again. Jon was right: you get better at this game by playing it, not sitting at the range or practice greens.