Hey guys, can I get some feedback on my pre-shot routine? I used this once last season and it really helped me get in the zone, but am looking to refine it for this season as I used it for only a short-period of time.
Pre-Shot Analysis
A. Looking at the lie
-Looking at your swing path, any obstacles?
B. Visualizing where you want to hit it (and flight path)
-What are threats? What are opportunities? (safe play)
-Pick a specific target
C. Choosing the right distance and club
D. Choosing the aim/alignment
-Lining up behind the ball
-Pointing club where you would hit it
E. Adjusting the aim for any wind or lie
Pre-Shot Preparation/Routine
A. Practice Swing (behind the ball)
-After lining up behind the ball and pointing club at path line/target, do one practice swing
B. Alignment
-Visualize the practice swing, adjust to your practice swing
-One deep breath (regulating emotions), walk up, line up, look at target, look at ball, then swing
C. Thoughts
One technical thought at most, likely a fix from the practice swing. One look, really focus, then swing. Often thinking about where you want to hit the ball on the club face instead of a technical thought or end result (landing spot).