Tips for playing the wind

It was ugly out there but because of the swings not the wind. Still trying to hone in the new driver. Was teeing it lower since windy and ball flight was down but was hooking. Higher tee was better but hit some flares high in the face. Need to find consistent tee height and get driver in play.

Walked off a comp after 8 holes today - due to solid rain blown horizontal by 40mph gusts. Only 2nd time in recent years I can remember abandoning a round.

Good reminder of the exaggerated effects the wind has on a spinning ball. Had a problem today with leaving face open. Fades become slices, become dropped shots or balls lost in the rough.

Problem (?) round here is the range has been built with the prevailing wind in mind, ie mostly hitting in a tailwind. Makes for a nice sheltered practice session but little opportunity to hit into a headwind.