I was aware of the practice swing rule but not the spirit of the stance rule until recently.
I was definitely guilty of maneuvering a branch with my trail leg to create some back swing space in the past.
I would probably call some one out in a money game or tournament if it was blatant (stomping on low hanging tree limb or moving limbs with their hands to create room for arm swing). I wouldn’t insist on them taking a penalty there but would probably say “if it happens again i am calling it” or something to that effect.
I typically play with fairly “casual” rules but i agree with @davep043 that it really goes against the spirit of the game. Almost on the same level as someone improving a lie in the rough or bunker (for the record we frequently give relief in our casual game for a shot in fairway that rolls into a divot, so we are by no means “playing by the book”).