Tempo work--how to practice

The tempo thing is weird, but it does seem to work. Most sports do require some sort of timing/rhythm to maximize potential of whatever the motion. I’ve used Tour Tempo and it does work for me. You get to react to the tones though. I think part of what makes golf hard is that it is not reactionary which is why many have no issue hitting a baseball pitch, but can’t hit a stationary golf ball.

The Tour Tempo tones can be a crutch like a swing aide so you need to alternate using them and not using them…at least for me.


You’re also not trying to control the direction of the baseball…at least I was never good enough too :slight_smile:

I feel like I had more ability to control where I hit the baseball than where I hit the golf ball lol.

I remember taking a lesson probably 20 years ago and the pro told me I was getting “ball bound”. He stood off to the side and rolled balls at me and I flushed almost every one. He never asked me to hit it high, low, left or right, but I wonder if I could have lol.

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I’ve got ye olde slowwww back swing, so my Tour Tempo is 27:9. Tried 24:8 which worked on the range but not on the course.

I love TT for a different reason…gives my mind something to fill it besides “swing thoughts.” I just hum the track :smile:

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