Sweet Spot Podcast Now on iTunes

Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that my new podcast with Adam Young is now live on iTunes. If you’ve listened already please leave us a review :slight_smile:


I smashed that like and subscribe button.

Thanks! I appreciate you listening in!

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Thanks to everyone who has listened so far, Adam and I have been blown away by the response. The Sweet Spot is already climbing the charts! Please leave a review on iTunes if you get a chance, it will help us get discovered by new golfers :slight_smile:

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Jon, I’ve really enjoyed the podcasts where you guys have guests! Marty, woody and Lou were all super interesting and you guys ask good questions and then give them the space to explore the answers…

I look forward to the future episodes with them!

Also, I’m trying to figure out how to get to woody for a fitting…


That’s great to hear! To be honest, we weren’t sure what our guest strategy would be for the show. We do want most of it to remain about our joint philosophy on the game. But there are plenty of experts who know more about certain parts of the game than we do, so we look forward to bringing more of these voices on and having reoccurring guests over time.


Can’t wait for the continued series with Mark and Lou. Woody as well…

After first hearing about Jon on the 18Strong podcast, which has great guests too, I’ve been hooked. With some of Sweet Spot podcasts, I have listened at least twice. Jon and Adam and this forum and books have changed the way I approach the game. Although you give the numbers in your books, hearing your guests that have gathered the stats discuss them, has told me I need to not be so hard on myself either. So look forward to each new podcast!

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that’s great to hear, thank you for the support! We’ve got plenty of ideas for new episodes and guests to bring on


Jon, you and Sean Carroll are my subscribed podcasts. One talks golf, the other doesn’t :wink:. Your episode with Lou was one of your best. Thank you.

BTW, congratulations on your NYS Mid-Am showing. I know that Crag Burn CC turns out some high level players. I’ve played the course and for a 10 hdcp, it was a brutal experience. Glad to see you rep your club well.


thanks, Ken! Appreciate the support and am glad you are enjoying the show. We’ll definitely have Lou back on several more times and we’ve got ideas for plenty of other guests.

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Fantastic pod @jon, @Adamyounggolf!
Might I pose a suggestion topic for your podcast? I recently upgraded to a Mevo+ and I’d be interested in your rundown on the meaning of the sea of numbers, their significance and what they tell you. While I’m somewhat familiar with the ‘owners manual’ definitions, you guys live and breathe this stuff. Any practical insights?

Thx in advance!