OK all of the Face-the-Target / Side Saddle putters on this forum. I finally spent a little and bought a side saddle (left handed) to start exploring. I love it on my carpet mat…but have only been to the practice green once so far…I’ll be headed back tonight after work.
So what technique are you using?
- Where are you placing your top hand in relation to your body?
- How far down the shaft on your bottom hand?
- Pencil grip, open palm tossing grip, palm away from target, or something else?
- Feet square to target or offset?
- Ball position?
I think (still a work in progress) I’m leaning more towards square feet, top hand away from body and near opposite pec (so my top “right” hand is in front of my “left” pec), bottom hand as low on the shaft as I can go and an open palm (palm facing the target) grip…ball position a few inches in front of my toes.