Second Shot into a Par 5

True story - I topped my 3-wood today on a par 5 approach. Still made par :man_shrugging: #crazygame


I vaguely remember this story. But it’s a sample size of one unfortunately. There are always exceptions to everything in golf, but on the whole, the closer you are the better your chance of scoring. Also, for a pro golfer they are so skilled that they can probably overcome these circumstances versus a recreational player.

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I use this almost exclusively now. Unless I need wrist hinge this is the easiest way to chip/pitch.

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I like to play a five iron to say 100m out from the flag. Maybe 80 metres on a good day and that gives a good full swing for my wedge for the third shot in. Not much finesse involved but it seems to work with the least amount of errors.
Course management works best on a Par 5.


Everyone has to play their own game, but I’m going to continue to do my best to trust the data and (assuming there’s no trouble) hit the longest club I can into par 5’s from now on. Even if I wind up topping it 100 yards, then I still only have 150 yards in and decent position for par.

Did that a few weeks ago :man_shrugging: just happy it rolled right of the lake

Pretty sure the majority of these were three woods…

And they’re all just fine :grinning:


My one buddy that I play with very frequently always tops or hits his 3-wood really thin but it always turns out better position than if he would have hit his hybird.


The pros topping shots here did me a great service, I console myself with these videos after my games, in which there are plenty of the same! Helps me mentally get off my own back, LOL :smiley:


You don’t get 10 shots to create and average. It’s just one, and most of the time that one is a chunk :slight_smile:

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If that one shot is a chunk “most of the time”, your average will be pretty poor. But knowing that average will help you make better choices. I’m with @CoryO, and I’ve experienced it on the course, I’ll average closer to the pin from 45 yards than I will from 90.

What are the causes of topped shots?

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Mostly early extension.

I hit my fair share of thin 3 woods or tops but typically they are on line so I just fire away with reckless abandon. Even if you are 300yds and only smack it 150yds, you are still have a good opportunity to get par. If there is water up front, that’s a different story entirely.

Post your stats on the other thread bro!

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Wait I thought it was picking your head up!

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Hahaha. Isn’t that what we all learn?!

I usually play it old school and lay up to a preferred distance (90 - 100 yards) if I know I can’t get get home or really close to the green on 2 of the 4 par 5s at my home course. The greens on those two holes are very small, with a lot of undulation, and I prefer a full swing wedge to get more spin on the ball hitting into those greens.

Easy test. Wail the 3W, pick up your ball and move it back 70y. Compare scores.
Then advance token to chipping green.


What a great video, it shows that even the ones that practice for hours every day and play this as their income, still hits shots like us once in a blue moon.

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