Practicing Uneven Lies

Something I have always struggled with (and I think is true for a lot of golfers) is different ball lies - uphill, downhill, above feet, below feet. I know the basics (or at least the traditional dogma):

Uphill - Take a bit more club and play forward in the stance. Aim right.
Downhill - Take a bit less club and play it back in the stance. Aim left.
Below feet - Squat down and aim left.
Above feet - Stand tall and aim right

If there are more effective/modern thoughts on these basics, I’d love to hear them, but besides that I’m wondering if anyone has any good strategies for practicing these lies, especially on the range or at home. I’ve seen the “Orange Peel” from the Orange Whip company for a training aid, any others or DIY solutions?

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@CoryO I built this little “wedge” box if you will. I use it to help prevent early extension but it is also a perfect tool to help practice downhill lies. You could practice uphill lies for swing purposes only, but to hit off of an uphill lie, you would have to build something to elevate your hitting mat. Anyway, pretty easy build, took less than 30 minutes. My golf coach liked it so much, he had me build him one for his students. See below:


It’s a shame more driving ranges don’t have a good way to practice uneven lies. I try to find a time when the range isn’t crowded and go to the practice bunker. There’s usually a mound that can be used to practice different lies.

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Is that 1/3 of a club?

About that. Just practicing swinging the handle, keeping my head still, and staying on plane. Kind of trapped myself in a box with this drill. My coach makes me swing that so I can feel myself keeping the handle near my abdomen instead of pushing it away from me like I tend to do.

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@Adamyounggolf 's NLG site has some good videos on the topic. I really like the detail he has in the NLG paid portion of his site and he goes into a lot of detail on a variety of topics and the side hill lie ones are pretty good He puts new videos up each month and the side hill lie videos were done over the last couple of months so if there is a method to his madness, I think the uphill/downhill would likely come soon. I hope so at least – the side hill ones were pretty useful despite having played this game for so long.

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I setup something along the idea of gisclairj’s wedge board but much more rudimentary - just took a short piece of 4x4, put it down on my hitting mat, and stand on that and hit a few half shots into the net.

It’s not ideal but it is a way to get a little practice on the really problematic ball below the feet lie.