Practice Drills/Games

One of my goals is to help make everyone’s practice time more productive and engaging. Let’s make this thread about your favorite practice drills or games. What are some that you like?

I’ll start - Par 18 is a simple game you can play if you have access to a short game facility. You create 9 “holes” around the green, and your goal is to get up and down as many times as possible. Record your score and try and beat it each time!


I like this the game to make your putting more pressure oriented.

Start at three feet roll ten putts, however many you make is your baseline. If you make all 10 you go to four feet. Establish the baseline. You keep putting that distance until you make all ten once you do you move back a foot. If you fail to make your baseline. You leave a dollar or more, depending on your wallet size in the cup and you leave. That’s it no more putts you’re done, until the next day. Then you pick up where you left off. If you get to 12 feet you start back over at 3 feet. You can look at statistics for 8-12 foot putts made if you’re satisfied with say 50% as your goal the once you reach it start back over at 3 ft.

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I have an endless supply of practice games and variants, due to spending over 1000 hours group coaching.

One of my (and pupils’) favorites was to

  1. pick a target area (between two range signs/poles).
  2. start with your shortest wedge
  3. if you successfully hit the target, move up a club
  4. if you miss a target, move down
  5. see how many shots it takes you to get your driver completed (the last club)

Has all the elements needed for great practice.


The main elements I look for in a really good practice game are

  • it builds pressure

  • has club/target/shot type changes

  • has observers (play it with friends)

  • is quantifiable, so you can see improvement/regression

  • matches a player’s challenge point (not so easy that they get bored, not so difficult that they get frustrated)

  • Has levels of progressive/regressive difficulty

  • has context - represents the game of golf accurately.

One of my favorite drills is this one, as it contains all the elements.

The full article on how the game works is here, if anyone wants do dive in more. CLICK HERE to see the full article