Notable quotes in golf and your interpretation of it?

From one of the great lady golfer.
-Mickey Wright
You can’t take a car from a dead start and put it immediately up to 70 miles per hour. No matter how powerful your engine. You must have a gradual acceleration of speed. So it is in a golf swing.

It’s been a long way since then, and we certainly have improved the lapse of accelerating for the auto mobile and for the golf swing.

However, there is also significant accelerated injury in the sport of golf.
Not just among the professionals but also within the amateurs who tried to imitate the move to maximize the acceleration to generate power for more distance.
There is an increase in the need for golf related injury rehabilitation.

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-Jack Nicklaus
**There are only two ways of increasing your distance. **
You can learn to swing the clubhead faster.
Or you can learn to deliver it to the ball more accurately.

Unless you are blessed with gifted physical ability from birth. There is no substitute of working harder.
Ben Hogan was relatively a smaller guy , reported at 5’9" but in all reality 5’ 7-8". He can drive the golf balls out there as long as anyone. I believe he was one of the longer golf ball driver in his era.
Jack Nicklaus was reported at 5’ 10" tall, before his double hip surgery. He was one of the longest hitter on tour in his era.
They must hit the sweet spot more often than the rest of the field.

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It’s essential. The point of that club is to get down in no more than 3. Really, 2, but it’s tough to play a wedge into realistic one-putt range. Just don’t make it 4.

Doing that, requires knowing your distances for those intermediate shots, both carry and roll.

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On physical size and golf, see Rory McElroy… Guy’s what, 5’9"? Maybe? And he’s one of the longest, most accurate drivers on Tour. You don’t need to be some windmill-resembling 6’6" behemoth to hit it really far.

Proper sequencing, explosive strength with a long acceleration path, and finding the sweet spot every time, go a really long way towards getting the most speed out of your swing.

Since this is a quote section, I’ll share the quote some Scot gave Greg Norman (allegedly) in Norman’s book. Norman described how he’d driven the green at some tournament, maybe Saint Andrew’s in an Open, and the Scot said to him, “Aye, ye’ve discovered the secret of Golf.”

“Oh, what’s that?”

“Eliminating the second shot…”


Approximate distance in the air can be learnt through practice.
Release and rollout comes with experience on the turf condition and terrain, can be interpreted similar to reading a putt.

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Of course, this will come as utilizing more of what one has. near perfect contact is another key.
Smaller guys can hit the golf balls as long as the larger guys by generating similar club head speed. But, what a price must be paid.

To perform at the same level as a larger athlete, the smaller frame will be taxed heavily. Most will not enjoy a healthy twilight years.

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- Bob Rotella
There is no such thing as golfer playing over his head. A hot streak is simply a glimpse of a golfer’s true potential.

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-Bobby Jones
"Nobody ever swing a club too slowly basic factor in all good golf"

-Tommy Armour
"The basic factor in all good golf is the grip. Get it right, and all other progress follows"

Often seen beginners not swinging with their potential. Mostly the female gender. I asked why? The common answer was ( if they were honest), was that they were afraid of hurting their hands and wrists. Which is understandable. Have to ensure them that taking a shallow divot will never hurt their hands and wrists if done properly.
As well as we have seen the martial artists breaking pine boards or even construction bricks with their bare hands. The rules of physics tells us, there be minimum rebound force if the force could move through the barrier.
A good proper golf grip will allow one to exert maximum force to the golf swing without excessive maneuvering one’s body. No one believed me when I told them a good golf grip will allow everything to happen naturally.
Those were high cap holders and they’re still hanging around their index after decades of golf.

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- Davis Love, Jr.
Doubt is the number one cause of missed shots.

Davis Love Jr. was a student under the coaching of Harvey Penick while he was playing for the U.T. Austin golf team. This thought is closely related to the quote from
-Harvey Penick
Take dead aim.

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- Ernest Jones
Understand that golf is neither a right-handed nor a left-handed game. But a two handed one.

I once had a debate with one of the boys in the group of whether the golf swing should be dominated by one side of the body.
He argued that Ben Hogan said " I wish I have three right hands" as the right side should be more dominating in the golf swing.
I thought both sides of the body takes different roles during a golf swing, where the left side should be more dominating leading, keeping in track while the right side stays quiet until the accelerating, all the way through the golf ball. It should be a team work.
Finding the harmony of the transition, harvest the power from all parts of one’s body to help applying the maximum power to the golf ball. That will only come after learning the right setup and practice.

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- Jack Nicklaus
If by nature you do things quickly, or slowly, you are going to swing the golf club basically the same way. Forcing yourself to the opposite extreme is rarely going to work because it’s too contrary to your basic instincts or impulses - especially when you are under competitive pressure.

I know a guy in particular, he does everything half a pace slower than most the guys. He walks slower, eats slower, talks slower… not slower by much, just in a manner of not hurrying ( Fred Couples comes to mind ). His golf swing is a reflection of his personality. Smooth and like pouring molasses out of a jar. His acceleration through the golf ball is good so not losing distance comparing to his peer; but man, no one could copy his tempo.
Unfortunately, aging and recent events had stopped him from going back to the links. He still meet up for his month club tournament, basically to see his friends but not taking to the golf courses every week like he used to.

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Re-quote Mickey Wright.
She had explained why there are so many injury related to modern golf swing.
The modern golf swing explored the technique to “turbo charge” and maximize the power one could produce from the point of view anatomically.
To have such explosive power created in such a short span caused a lot of wear and tear.
An automobile’s performance on acceleration is marked by the 0-60 MPH time and the quarter mile speed. A piece of machinery can be repaired or fixed when the strong torque damaged the parts in the power plant or the suspensions, tires…
Not as easy with human body.
The closes we had come to repairing the human body on theory is to grow a new part from our own stem cell. It is currently under development.
Better think of the best way we like to use our one and only physical frame in its lifetime.
Had know a few local long drive participants in the past, and every one of them have some sort of injury after years of belting the golf balls over 350 yards.
Their ability is awesome in sending the tee shots out there, I was usually 50-70 yards behind their tee shot yet I could hang with them on scoring.
Looking back, most of them had quit golf completely, owing to the injury. I’m still enjoying the sport I love.
Mickey Wright had also quit golf completely in her later years. Reported that once in awhile she would go out to her back porch and hit a few 9 iron.
When I go to a Champions event, I was in awe with the golfers ability and their accomplishment. Most of all, I was amazed at all of them could drag their battered body out of bed in the morning to get to a golf tournament.

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**-Johnny Miller****To have a good chipping game you must aim to hit a spot. **
This is a necessary addition to your regular preshot check-list. You check all the variables and decide what type of chip shot to hit.
Then you must pick the spot for the ball to land, and visualize the ball landing there and running to the hole.

Laying a golf towel on the ground then try to chip to land the golf balls on the towel from 5’, 10’ away. Try it on different type of turf to simulate the condition around the green. This will focus on the landing the golf ball on the spot.
To get a feel of how golf ball react after landing on the green, try use the wedges, to 9 iron and all the way to a mid iron to see how the golf balls will act after landing on the green with different type of chip shot and how far will the golf ball roll out after the landing.
There was an old video by Kenneth Paul Venturi, professionally known as Ken Venturi. A set of two cassette tapes, first part being The Long Game and second part as The Short Game. In the short game tape, Ken Venturi demonstrated using wedge , and all the clubs between a wedge to a 6 iron around the green shipping to the cup.
Someone “borrowed” the tapes from me some 2+ decades ago and never returned them. I asked where the tapes were, and he said the group likes it so much, it is in the “library” for golf information for that club.
I was okay to be "forcefully donating " my property to that club since I knew a lot of the members.
Luckily that I watched and review the tapes from Ken Venturi many many times and stored the lessons in my memory bank.
If you search the internet, there could be an upload of the videos online.

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Rule of 12 is useful here. But in any event, I completely agree that you need to chip to a target—and it’s a pretty small one—then know what a typical chip of that carry distance, with that club, does when it lands.

It’s a lot to keep straight.


Chipping, is a small movement, unlike the full swing or even a pitch shot.
Different golf ball onto different putting surface will produce different result.
With practice, one would get a handle on chipping much easier than a full swing or a pitch shot. I don’t use the rule of 12 per se, but very similar to it.
Different clubs, even with the same specification of loft and lie and bounce, grind, will not produce mirror image results.
Know your equipment, both the golf club in use and the golf ball in use. Then visualize like a putt, after the chip shot landed.
Imagination is what a relatively new golfer lacking. Thus encouragement to golf with someone better ( much better ) than yourself will open the new golfer’s imagination around the green, because seeing what is possible will promote confidence. Confidence plus practice will make the imagination come true.

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To quote one of the teaching professionals. “The teaching professionals BORROW from each other’s idea and teaching method”.
Some wording might be different but nothing is new under the sun, not really.

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I’ll disagree. Until high-speed cameras and launch monitors became routine, everyone had the ball flight laws bass-ackwards. Until things like GEARS and pressure plates showed what good players did in a swing, amateurs were taught that the good weight shift and getting back onto the target side before P4 was a “reverse pivot.” X-factor was a thing, until GEARS showed it, and all of the ‘holding the lag’ instruction accompanying it, was an optical illusion caused by our inability to fully perceive 3-d motion through time via 2-d video.

Mark Broadie’s statistical analysis turned course management on its head by showing the falsehood of a lot of pro golf’s ancient wisdom, like, “Drive for show, putt for dough.” Well yes, in that if the upper cohort of competitors is striking the ball equally well, putting decides the winner—but mostly no. (Outliers like Harman’s ridiculous British Open putting performance aside.) This was new. People like Jack were doing it, and being successful, but may not have been all that articulate at showing why it works. Tiger, with “The Tiger 5,” did do a great job of showing what makes you win as a pro golfer.

Those are all new things, tested through experimentation and measurement, which helped broaden our understanding of the golf swing and just what makes a golf ball do what we need it to do. They aren’t just rehashes of old material.

Though most golf instruction is, I’ll agree.

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@Craigers posted it before, here, but I’ll reset The Tiger 5.

Rule #1: No 6s on Par 5s
Rule #2: No Double Bogeys
Rule #3: No 3-putts
Rule #4: No Bogeys With 9-irons
(Ed. Or Wedges)
Rule #5: No Blown Easy Saves

Avoid making those mistakes—and thinking your way around the course so you likely won’t—and you’ll do quite well. Rule #2 should be very clear, from everything our host has written.

You can and will make mistakes in a round. @Adamyounggolf had a video clip at his site, of Tiger making his share in a PGA Championship round where he shot something absurd like 64. What you must not do, is let one mistake compound itself into several. Mis-hit? That happens. Get back to the fairway or somewhere near the green if possible, and where the mistake won’t be compounded by a penalty. But take your medicine and make sure the worst you’ll do is bogey.

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Tiger’s rules?
For him, perhaps.
Such a tall order for even an accomplished golfer. I guess it’s all relative to which golf course and the playing condition?
They can be a “goal” to the average golfers, tough to be rules to follow.

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The fact will not change, the way of explaining it might have changed over time with technology.
Will knowing every little detail about the golf swing benefit the golfer? Yes and no.
knowing the details with the help of technology will shorten the chase, but the journey still needs to be traveled.
I’m all for the new technology. Instead of spending weeks to fine tune a driver, we can do that (* most part of it ) within hours.
Not knocking down technology, but if you look at the average driving distance on the professional tour, there was a huge jump a couple of decades ago, but not much improvement within the last 5 years.
Golfers are gullible, good for the economy. The OEM, the golf courses, the teaching professional… all benefited. Some golfers are also benefitted after being put on the right track.
Problem is, I see a regression of the benefits to the golfers after the push to chase after perfection on data.

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