Non golf gadgets

My milk frother wand.
I’m drinking Phil Mickelson’s coffee blend ( found the recipe online and make my own) and it blends everything beautifully!

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Don’t want to burst @jon’s bubble, but I got one of those Ember mugs (the original one) as a drawing prize at a conference a couple years ago. Never found it to be better than an insulated travel mug for keeping coffee the right temperature and the base stopped powering up after 2 months.

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You want to come over to my house and tell my kids Santa isn’t real? You monster!


I didn’t get the appeal, but it’s his money… just made me curious if anyone had a gadget they really like!


Lol thanks for letting me know. I 100% drink coffee out of a mug every morning in my office so I thought that would be a better solution. I’m not really on the go with it so that’s why I don’t use an insulated travel mug

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Yellow (shooting) glasses! Cuts out the glare at night, especially for driving, now that it’s dark at 4:15 pm. Looked up that MUG, great idea but out of my discretionary budget, I use a mini warmer for my coffee mug here at home.


Didn’t know Phil had his own coffee blend! Will check it out. I like that Highlander Grog (Cameron or Berres Bros. both are good)

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14 oz Yeti Rambler is all you need. Will keep your coffee warm for hours. Us folks with young kids know how money that is.


It’s interesting how much different lenses change your perception… I’ve gone through many different iterations of lenses (though never yellow)… I’m finally happy again with a regular pair of smiths with dark lenses… but I primarily use them for driving in the daylight.

Smith guides choice for life!!

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I’ve got a big head and have always struggled to find sunglasses that fit…

I lived in hailey when smith was still based there in 2004 and got a friends discount on a pair of king glasses… they were my favorite. In 2007 I stepped on them (barefoot) and haven’t found a pair that fits me the same or that I like half as much (they were green, but not obnoxious… lenses were like a brown tint that was perfect for golf) and it still haunts me…

Bought myself a new pair of smiths for my birthday and they are as close as I’ve come to replacing the original pair.

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Yeah, just get a Travel mug!

And for the record, I was genuinely looking for fun gadgets with this thread!

The contigo with the auto-seal lid are the real deal too. In the olden days when people went to the office, I’d brew mine first thing in the morning and it would stay hot through lunch.

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So I have picked up 2 fun gadgets, that go in completely opposite directions for the most part…

  1. A pellet grill… I got a used Traeger off facebook for $200… I’ve seen some negative stuff about Traeger as a grill, as pellet manufacturers and as a company… I won’t comment on that part, but I’ve really liked owning a pellet grill… To me, it does most of what I want out of a charcoal grill without all the hassle of dealing with charcoal… I also did a long smoke 8+ hours and made an amazing pork butt that I still have leftovers from… Highly recommend Lumber Jack pellets, especially if you have a Rural King near you ($9 a bag)
  2. Not including the pork shoulder, I’m starting a new diet… One of the things I want to do is drink less Diet Coke (we won’t discuss how much I was drinking), so I decided to get into loose leaf tea… Dropped $100 on tea and gadgets at a local store, and one of the best things I bought was this Ingenuitea Tea Pot. It has made brewing tea very simply… I’m on cup #4 today, having tried all the various flavors. If you want to get into tea, pick one of these up… it makes brewing way easier.
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I started using an AeroPress (Xmas gift) for my coffee this week. Definitely makes a smoother cup of coffee. The family gave me an electric kettle with it as I only like my coffee hot. I felt bad about all the Kcups I was using and throwing away. In the winter I mainly drink coffee and tea as I’m usually cold and I pretty much gave up soda 20 years ago as it was killing my stomach.


Ended up picking up an electric kettle with tea strainer at costco for $30… $10 more than the ingenuiTEA but has more function… I’ll keep it at home and send the ingenuiTEA to work with my wife.

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I used the AeroPress for years, and loved it. Such a simple device that yields better taste if you’re willing to put a little work in. I’m a bit of a coffee snob at this point, and once I switched to grinding beans fresh and using a much better brewing method I literally can’t even drink K-Cups anymore, which I did for years.


I may go all in and get a grinder soon. Not sure about that as I like to keep things fairly simple and not add too many steps. Cleaning the Aeropress is super easy, but I wonder about a grinder…I’m a coffee snob, but my laziness can trump almost anything!


Getting a quality burr grinder makes all the difference, and it’s really not messy.


I was going to say, make sure it’s a burr grinder… I went down the coffee rabbit hole awhile back to buy gadgets for my mom.


Just checked and at latest count we have 9 different types of tea in the cupboard (obviously, we’re British :laughing:). Not fussed about loose leaf but I can see the appeal. Favourite breakfast tea is this Biscuit variety. Really tastes like tea with a digestive biscuit!

On coffee I went down the pour over route about 5 years ago with a Hario V60. So good yet so simple. And very easy to clean up.