Anyone have any good no ball swing drills? I’ve been struggling with driver dispersion related to an over the top swing path. Just looking for backyard swing drills without hitting into a net.
Hit into an impact bag and make sure the bag goes to the outside. Best drill I know of.
Assuming the over-the-top move is sending the club out-to-in, put your driver headcover just back and outside from the driver clubhead at address. Focus swings on not hitting the headcover.
^ those are both great suggestions!
I’d add to look at the Orange Whip full-length trainer … excellent for helping working on, amongst other things, plane and path (ie. can help to correct an OTT move).
I have a SKLZ Gold Flex (same thing as the Orange Whip) and swing it daily and before every round. Highly recommended.
Sorry, going to disagree with you on that.
I have both and - while similar in construction and design - they work somewhat differently…
The main differentiator is the OW is counter-balanced and … while it can also be used well for warming up, stretching, strengthening, etc. … is better suited vs the GF for working on path & plane, release and especially on rhythm and tempo.
At about 1/2 the price the GF is a deal vs the OW, but I believe the OW is a more versatile swing training aid.
Interesting! I think I always just had an incorrect image of the OW in my head (I remember them from back when they were first introduced and didn’t realize there was a counter-balance in the original model).
A number of good instructors will recommend slow-speed rehearsals, which can be done without a ball, and done in front of a mirror (or with cell-phone video) to get immediate feedback. Of course, you need to know exactly what you’re trying to change, and what a good motion looks like. You need to know WHY you’re coming over the top, that’s probably a symptom of something else. For that, see a good instructor.
I’ve been working with a pro so I know the why. Just looking for different drills that will keep me engaged. My tendency is to get bored with swing drills, then the old habits jump right back in.
Okay, my buddy has a orange whip that he loaned to me, going to give that a try.
That is maybe the single most important part of “mental game”, sticking with instruction and drills and practice long enough for it to actually make a difference. Change is hard!
From everything I read and what my coach has told me, anytime you are working on a swing change over exaggeration of the change is the best way for your mind and body to grasp the change more quickly.