Late to the game here - apologies. Busy week.
The factors that control direction with an iron are
- face direction
- lie angle
- path
It’s very unlikely that lie angle has changed for you, so Im going with 1 or 3.
You said your divots are left - that’s not always an indication of the path (because the divot happens after ball contact, but can be a guide).
Without seeing you, I would first try to check your alignment. It doesnt have to be on target to play elite golf, but if you find you are aiming left and hitting left, this is low hanging fruit to change.
If you genuinely feel your path is left, the nail drill is great for fixing this - although be careful you don’t overdo it and end up hitting behind the ball (swinging more right tends to move the low point back). See pic for nail concept - just visualize hammering a nail through the ball angled more to the right
We must remember though - regardless of what the path direction is, the face will have a bigger influence on the end result. Simply experimenting with opening out the face at address THEN gripping and making the same swing - this can make a big difference to outcome (remember, 3-4 degrees in golf is massive, but you might have to FEEL like you change the face by 10-15 degrees to achieve that)
Hope it helps