Golf fitness begining

Where do you start with golf fitness training? I’ve read about many different ideas… just want to get started this off season. Thank you!

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Flexibility and balance are the big two. Every golfer needs at least a little bit of yoga in their lives.


The best thing to do, if you can afford it for at least a month, but get yourself a physical trainer. It’s important because they can identify your flaws. Additionally, you can have them build you a workout that will target the proper muscles and movements that are proper for your body. It’s worth it if you wan to play a lot of golf and stay injury free.

The previous two posts sum it up perfectly. I spent a year going to a gym and working with a trainer on my specific needs (helping protect my back). Since having my son I haven’t had as much time to go there, so a lot of stretching and core work at home is what I do now. Zero golf related back problems in 2 years!

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Mike from @Fit_For_Golf is a great resource - check out his site


Whatever you do make sure you learn to do things the right way to avoid injuries. Nothing worse than that motivation being stomped out by an injury.


100%. Fit for golf is great.

The Titleist Performance Institute offers a lot of free articles and videos on golf fitness. Check out the “Improve My Game” area.

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Two winters ago (Chicago golf seasons not very long. . . thank goodness for cart covers and heaters!) I hurt myself during a six week Crossfit challenge – I was trying to jumpstart my off season workout program. Stay far away imo from CF. Way too easy to injure yourself. I’ve posted less than 20 scores last two seasons after averaging 80 for last 30 years.

Don’t wait til the off-season. Start Now!!!

Don’t over-do it. It takes time to build up strength, and you want to avoid injuries.

Golf specific is great, and @Fit_For_Golf has some great workouts. If you have bands/free-weights great, if not, you can get started with body weight exercises like pushups and others.

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That’s a great point. Important for your game (and just health in general) to have fitness and recovery routines to be part of daily life, not just in season.

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Starting to finally expand my workouts from core stuff for back stability… added in some light squats today (while focusing on keeping my core tight!)

Hoping to build back better in the next 6 weeks and be healthy in March and able to swing away.


Sadly today’s workout will include shoveling snow

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Exactly! “Fit For Golf” by Mike Carroll, available for trail at just $1. The app offers a simple yet effective workout specifically targeting the muscle groups involved in the golf swing. If you’re seeking those extra yards (and let’s face it, who isn’t?), I highly recommend giving this app a try. It’s a fantastic complement to your golf training regimen!