Favorite quotes

One of my favorite quotes that I remind myself of is from Henry Ford and most people have probably heard it.

“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.”

The mind is a powerful tool that is both a blessing and a curse. Your everyday thoughts influence your actions and your ultimate success in life. Golf as we know from countless sources is a very mental game and keeping the negative thoughts and emotions at bay will help you succeed in all of your goals. I like to remind myself that I can play this game and I am pretty good at it! I may not be the best out there but I am trying to become the best I can be.

What are your favorite quotes that help you with your life and golf game?


How’d a legendary ball striker such as yourself shoot an 85?

Missed a 6 footer for 84


Dollar bills…

Said when playing partner hit his approach to 4’: “Poor fella must be a lousy putter”. :joy:


Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it!

Have I started a thread on the sunk cost fallacy?

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“You must play boldly to win.” - Arnie reminding to go for it in two.

“You can’t pull fat.” - John Daly

“I read the greens in Spanish, but I putt in English.” - Chi Chi

“The reason a pro tells you to keep your head down is so you can’t see him laughing.” - Phyllis Diller


“On the far side of failure, lies success”
– Tom Watson

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