Etiquette and Don’t Be That Guy

In my past I’ve broken one. Way different mindset now (see other threads and articles)

I have a regular round with a guy who has ocular degeneration… he literally can’t play unless you spot the ball for him. He’s the one guy I don’t mind keeping track of. I try to keep track of everyone else, but it’s their job not mine… I’m happy to help if I can.


I’ve got an eye condition and tee shots are hard for me to pick up at the moment. I feel like an ass when after I hit it I say “didn’t see it, felt right/left, any idea?”

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Medical conditions make you exempt from being doesn’t watch his ball guy.


In my early teens I was breaks all the clubs guy. Bit of a hot head. Glad I got past that. Clubs are expensive.


Or it could be a really exceptional cart girl.

I guess I should have taken out the ‘blind people’ part of my post. I thought about it then left it In For emphasis. I watch everyone’s ball when teeing off just like most people. Dirt can fly up into your eye, the sun can be getting low, plenty of reasons to help the guy hitting. Sometimes you just don’t see it. I meant more for the guy who pick his tee up while it’s still curling right and doesn’t ever have the line it finished on, or is pissed off. I play with some 70 year olds that have trouble following it sometimes and we all help.

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Oh no worries I didn’t take it personally - was just calling out the fact that I’m sure I sound like an ass when I say that. I’m in my 30s so people don’t usually expect an eye issue. I try to warn the group on the first tee so they know and can help me out. Waiting on some meds to kick in to help me out. I’m probably 50/50 on following it. Doesn’t help that with my new driver the “window” I’m looking for the ball in has changed (even subconsciously) so even when I can feel the direction I don’t pick it up easily.


And especially nowadays Don’t be that guy, who “Has to take the flag out of the hole” on every putt.
He was well aware, that the rules on every course in our area is you keep the flag in!

And then be pissed :triumph: off because I don’t tend flag for him!

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It is embarrassing, I hear you! I only see my ball in flight about half the time! I think my 62 yo eyes don’t change focus fast enough! Also think I keep my head down too long! Solo game, I just hit another tee shot and play the one I can find. Best wishes on meds to help your sight!


It’s easy to “forget” you even hit the first one if you retee fast enough!

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Exactly! Play bad golf quickly, is what my sister says! She’s getting up to bogey golf, proud of her as she’s 5 yrs older than me and has hip issues. :smile: :innocent:


I had this happen the last time I played…the course actually did allow flags to be removed though, but no one in the group was used to pulling it…

Our motto is “you can be bad, but be bad fast!”

Good to remember even for more experienced players on days when you don’t have it


Don’t get me wrong, love to have a drink while out there… But it can’t affect others out there.


Paying for a re-shaft a couple times cured me of this :joy:


Thankfully as a kid my grandpa and I made friends with a guy who was a club fitter and ran the shop at the driving range. I guess we bought enough clubs from him and hit enough balls

I had just gotten a new driver for christmas from my dad and took it to a different range w/ grandpa within a week (2 level range with heaters). I guess the mat was shifted a little to the right and as a lefty I swing and in the follow through the driver slams into a steel beam flanking the hitting bay. Took big chunk out of the top of the driver.

Fitter swapped out the club at no cost! Most of my other “repairs” cost a little more

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Please don’t be that guy who goes for the.Pre Covid “Normal Handshake” on the 1st Tee.

It’s a Pandemic!


Ohh and don’t be the local Golf Association 1st Tee Official who gives a 10 minute speech in Excruciating details about Every OB and Water :droplet: Hazard and Drop area on the golf course just before I teeoff!

I been playing a long time; I already know it’s not a good :bulb: idea to hit it over the chain link fence; with the School :school: yard on the other side :unamused:!

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Don’t be the guy who disappears in the weeds looking for lost balls, only to reappear on the green (as the rest of the group has putted out and walking off) expecting us to wait, watch him 3-putt.