DECADE Strategy

You’re describing a much more formal system for where to play, than I’m used to. That doesn’t sound like much fun, frankly.

I agree with some of your questions and statements on the 3 wood vs driver. Near as I can tell, the big gap in distance between 3W and 1W doesn’t happen unless the swing speeds are higher than those of most high handicappers. Which is why I included a lower bound of 10 yards in my original post. Moreover, many high handicappers who haven’t been fitted for a driver, are playing drivers with too low a loft, and perhaps also, too stiff a shaft. Probably too long as well, if people like Tom Wishon are right, and they probably are. The optimal driving charts like a lot of loft and spin, if CHS is low. Hard to get the required loft on a 10.5 driver vs 15-ish degree 3W.

Given those constraints, I definitely can see situations where most 3W shots by Golfer X, are indeed going further than most 1W shots by that golfer. For awhile, I was getting perplexed by my 3W getting higher CHS than my driver. I’ve been fitted for neither. The 3W has an R-shaft, the 1W a “bumblebee” UST Proforce in S, that used to feel like swinging a 2x4. I’ve since learned how to effectively use the 1W, with CHS and ball speed getting more where it should be—but a driver fitting is still on my wishlist.

It’s not just Broadie/Fawcett though. The Arccos people are showing a similar paradigm throughout all handicaps, AIUI.


Could you point me to the arccos data please.

Is a post from them building on the “you don’t hit it as far as you think” paradigm, though it doesn’t show 3W distances or accuracy. The more I’m looking at it, i don’t think Arccos is saying that about users 3W vs 1W.

You want something really weird about Arccos users and their 3Ws? Take a look at this article:

Yeah, the title doesn’t say 3 wood, but when you read it, this blurb jumps out:

Handicaps of 5 and under typically pull their 3 iron or 3 hybrid facing shots of 220-230 yards but actually average 197-210 yards with their 3-wood. With a 3-wood, they could decrease the disparity between how far they think they hit the ball, and how far they actually hit it, by 10 to 15 yards.

Interestingly, for higher handicap Arccos players in the 20 to 25 range, the extra distance provided by the 3-wood’s loft, lie and shaft length is negligible (five to seven yards) over the 3-iron and 3-hybrid and with the 3-hybrid being a much easier club to get airborne off the fairway, and it’s dispersion being lower, it’s the smarter play for bogey golfers.

Edit: I, for one, am perplexed. I’m not that good. I’ll be the first to tell you. And likely, course distance /= range distance. Even off grass. But I would consider, personally for me, a 3W that only traveled a total of 220-230, as fairly mishit by me. Average carry on my monitor is 235, and the thing rolls afterwards, too. Sometimes further roll than my driver, if I catch a high launch on the top of the driver face.

Really, 220-230, I’m busting out the 5W. It’ll roll to that. I seent it


I think when distances are shorter on course, it could be wind, lie, rough limiting rollout, user error. Also could be coming out of rough. Average may be affected by duffs as well. Also how did they manage slices that went into water or ob?

I think most people using monitors dont actually use average distance, they use 3/4 of best shots to determine number.

I think historically most people have trouble gapping longer clubs. Not so surprising but in my mind supportive of hypothesis that driver benefit may accrue more powerfully to lower handicaps. Not sure where breakeven point is though.

I dont know whether the data is good data or bad data. Either way good for analytical brains to converse about. :rofl:

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The aggregated data is kinda interesting but at the end of the day you still have to chart out your distributions!


Yes! In this, as in most things, you have to be very careful of just HOW the “average” … or sometimes “mean” … is being quoted/used/referring to…

There’s a funny story:
Mark Cuban (used to be Bill Gates but I changed it up) walks into a crowded bar - suddenly … on average … everyone is a millionaire! :rofl:

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Thanks for the discount code. Love the DECADE strategy


Does everyone use Google Earth when mapping courses pertaining to DECADE strategy?

I’ve tried to use it a couple times but haven’t found the drawing/mapping features very easy to utilize.

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Nowhere near every course, but some really snazzy tools for the ones they do have.

Alternately, 18birdies or bluegolf or Tag Heuer’s golf app: all will let you virtually play a lot more courses via a Google Earth-esque interface.

But provisualizer is really cool.

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I’m sure you figured it out but I haven’t seen it mentioned so I will add that when using a Brother MFC printer you can simply change output to print pages 1 - 22 and then MAKE SURE “Flip on Short Edge” radial button is selected. Then you follow the instructions exactly as the pop up dialogue boxes indicate. No need to reorder anything. I probably cut down a tree and wasted a boatload of ink figuring that one out, LOL.

Brother MFC 9320CW

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Hey everyone, I don’t have the app but have listened to serval podcasts and videos about DECADE. Couldn’t it be summarized by the following?

  1. Golf shot patterns are like a shotgun, know your average left-right dispersion and use them to make your course ahead of time (game plan)
  2. Aim for the center of green
  3. Putting is all about speed control
  4. Understand that PGA tour pros land the ball roughly 20 feet from the pin when 100 yards out (and other analytics)

What are the benefits of getting the app?

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