You’re describing a much more formal system for where to play, than I’m used to. That doesn’t sound like much fun, frankly.
I agree with some of your questions and statements on the 3 wood vs driver. Near as I can tell, the big gap in distance between 3W and 1W doesn’t happen unless the swing speeds are higher than those of most high handicappers. Which is why I included a lower bound of 10 yards in my original post. Moreover, many high handicappers who haven’t been fitted for a driver, are playing drivers with too low a loft, and perhaps also, too stiff a shaft. Probably too long as well, if people like Tom Wishon are right, and they probably are. The optimal driving charts like a lot of loft and spin, if CHS is low. Hard to get the required loft on a 10.5 driver vs 15-ish degree 3W.
Given those constraints, I definitely can see situations where most 3W shots by Golfer X, are indeed going further than most 1W shots by that golfer. For awhile, I was getting perplexed by my 3W getting higher CHS than my driver. I’ve been fitted for neither. The 3W has an R-shaft, the 1W a “bumblebee” UST Proforce in S, that used to feel like swinging a 2x4. I’ve since learned how to effectively use the 1W, with CHS and ball speed getting more where it should be—but a driver fitting is still on my wishlist.
It’s not just Broadie/Fawcett though. The Arccos people are showing a similar paradigm throughout all handicaps, AIUI.