Crazy Swing Ideas

It’s not my natural setup or swing, but I embraced the open stance last season. I started using it for wedges years ago and then using it at times for irons, but I used it for all but driver and 3 wood last year. For whatever reason it seemed to help minimize some of the bad things in my swing. Still doesn’t feel natural, but I brought my handicap down a bit and won a lot more pro shop credit so it can’t be all wrong.

See Mssrs Trevino, Nicklaus, Couples and B Watson… In their time… the last 3 were the longest hitters…Mr Trevino is arguably considered the best ball striker of his time. Clears the left hip sooner!

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His site spams you a bunch, but I’ve liked different movements, and the reasons for them, in the 2-3 videos I’ve watched.

Though what’s working quite well since I usually can’t squeeze in a range session, is working in some practice swings with a swing speed monitor and the Divot Board. I try it after we’ve already come back from our couple miles of walking and running, so I’m already warmed up, and just need to warm up a few golf-specific movements. Just trying for in-balance, consistent unconcious movement, that’s still fast with good impact.