Cleaning golf balls

Last week, I looked out my window and noticed the ground crew cutting down the marsh grass in front of our 14th tee. I can personally attest to the number of balls lost in this 100 yard death trap. That afternoon, I put on my hiking boots and, in 20 minutes found an entire house bucket of $5 balls. My question, besides taking them down to the tee box cleaner, any suggestions on getting rid of the mud, etc on 200+ quality balls?

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Really depends on the levels of dirt and how clean you expect them to get/how much work you’ll put in. Adding warm water and dish soap, letting them soak for 30 minutes or so, then wiping them off will probably make most playable.
You can also try the top rack of the dishwasher if the rack is small enough in the gaps to hold the balls.


clothes detergent, warm water, scotch brite pads & lotsa elbow grease.
Never play recovered golf balls. They betrayed someone else. Sooner or later they’ll betray you
:roll_eyes: :open_mouth: :grin:


If you have a pressure washer, try blasting that into the bucket of balls. Actually I’m going to try this myself. I’ve had the same issue, and soaking in some kind of cleaner doesn’t seem to do much good without scrubbing each ball.

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You might want to check You Tube. Several videos. A few suggested bleach. Good luck!

Pressure washer into a dairy case rather than a bucket. Water flows through.