Atomic habits by James Clear

Just started this on @jon s recommendation… thought it could use a break out thread for anyone interested…

I’m really enjoying it thus far, and it has a ton of crossover into improving at golf… everything from identity to focusing on process vs results…

It also got brought up on chasing scratch, so apparently it’s making the rounds in the golf world.

Anyone else reading it?

Atomic habits


I read it about a year ago. It wasn’t my favorite read, but was definitely good. I got it from the library…but it’s really the type of book you want to own and mark up with a highlighter pen and take notes in. I don’t remember most of the concepts now since I returned th book after finishing.

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I got it on @jon’s recommendation. Only part way through Chapter 1 as I’ve still got The Art of Learning on the go (@ScottFawcettDECADE recommendation on Twitter).

I’m terrible for procrastination and hope to find something actionable in Atomic Habits to get more productive.


I looked it up via the link. It seems simple enough. I love the simplistic marketing. With over a 1,000,000 sold it must be pretty good. I’ll have to check this one out. Thanks John.


Some of the stuff he covers he also covers on his website (just look through his archives). That might be a good way to see if you (anyone reading this) might like the book.

His newsletter is good too. One email every Thursday. It’s a quick read and it usually has some good ideas to think about.


I read it when it first came out. I’ve followed the author for awhile and really liked his website blog. As opposed to others, most of his advice is actionable. I would probably recommend the blog and his newsletter over the book as you can pick and choose topics.


Is the website if you are feeling to lazy to google! I signed up for the newsletter.

I listened to the audiobook about a year ago, and plan on giving it another listen. Agree that his stuff is highly actionable, and I recommend his twitter feed and blog as well (@jamesclear)

A few other great non-golf follows/blogs/podcasts that have some application to golf:
@dailystoic (Ryan Holiday)
@tferris (Tim Ferris)
@shaneaparrish of Farnam street


I second Daily Stoic and Farnam Street. They offer short form content, which I prefer (at least at the frequency they send them out). I like Tim Ferris’ stuff too, though most of his content is long form – stuff you need to set time aside to consume (and maybe put into action).


Read this book last year and had an incredible year of personal growth. I’m reading again and will incorporate the strategies for my golf game. Highly recommend.


Awesome! Glad it helped… it definitely has some stuff I think directly applies to golf. Focusing on strategy vs results… I think it makes sense everywhere, but especially in golf.

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atomic habit by James clear is the best to book I ever reed

I read it years ago. It was good. You might like Grit by Angela Duckworth too.