Anything new caught your attention?

Been through the change over from persimmon to metal woods, from blade style irons to parameter weighted irons to multi material then to hollowed heads with inserts.
I guess, personally, I am not exited to all the new and better golf clubs coming out.
The industry trend in the last couple of decades basically killed off the excitement of introducing new models for me.
Computer aided design had certainly played a major role in pushing the edge to the limit set by both the USGA and the R&A. we’re pretty much at the end of the rope with no where up.
Unless, my prediction of a new kind of material and manufacturing method comes to light soon.
The bulk part of the technology and knowhow are in place, probably will take a small fortune to launch it, but should be safe for at least 6-9 years before the mainstream caught up with it, so should theoretically recover all the initial investment pus a hefty profit. In the right hands, could even take this to open market for equity funding.
Had seen it happen with Callaway when it went public. Several of my colleagues were trying to be the market-maker at the time for our region.
So, what new equipment have been exciting you as a golfer?

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Actually, I’m about to buy a half set of Tour Edge Ironwoods. I got to try a sample, built to my specs, for under $50. It’s a 7 iron and I could probably play bogey on a 5500 yard course with this club and a putter. Four or five clubs in a light bag would be a sensible way to go. I think it all depends on finding a shaft that has the right flex and kick point for your swing–there’s probably one for the Dewsweeper. My approach to the new technology is finding out how few clubs I need to carry.


It would make the game more interesting if you only carry a few clubs in the bag.

It will force you to think in term of golf course management, how to use the same golf club for different shot and distance.

I used to intentionally carry just half a bag to make the game more interesting. Somedays with even number half set of clubs and some days with odd number of the clubs in the set.
Some days with just the irons for golf courses under 6300 yards.
This is actually a very good practice method, to carry a partial bag of golf clubs instead of a full bag of 14 golf clubs.

When I was playing frequently, we had 4 clubs/3 clubs/ 2 clubs tournaments. That was very tough to carry under 5 golf clubs in the bag.

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