An update on my iron play

This may get a little long but I hope not…just hang with me for a few…lol

So I made a post the other day about my irons going left. I had a tournament this past Sunday and I was hoping for a miracle fix before then. I’ve been having some lower back pain so I slowed down on the driving range this past week before the tournament.

I went to my home driving range for about 45 minutes Sunday before I took the 20 minute drive to the course. I was still hitting most of my irons left for about the first 30 minutes. I kind of gave up and decided I would just aim a little right and try to get through the tournament that way. Of course we all know that never works.

My back was feeling decent when I got done so I thought maybe I would be ok. Its a 12 person tournament which included c and d flight from the amateur’s golf week tour I play on. Start off with a par 5 and make a triple. First iron shot of the day goes pretty straight. I would go on to shoot 47 on the front and by the third hole I felt like I had a knife in my lower back.

Number 10 I roll in a 40 footer to save par. I would go on to shoot 39 on the back while almost every iron shot was either straight or had a slight fade…go figure. My back was killing me the entire day. Bending over to mark my ball was awful. The weird thing was I think the pain was causing me to focus more on each shot. I have never putted as good as I did Sunday…Just crazy

I never look at my score except to double check after nine with my playing partners. The back nine I thought I was doing decent but had no idea I was going to break 40. After 18 one of my partners asked me if I knew what I just shot on the back. I guessed and said 43…I was on cloud 9 when he told me 39.

I’m not the best at math but I knew I had broke 90 for sure. I add it up in my head and 86 is the number. In C and D flight that’s not bad but usually someone in C will shoot low 80’s. The difference Sunday was, it was not an official tournament on our tour, our director put this together. So we could use our handicap and mine was a 19.2. I’m starting to think I may have won this thing.

We turn our scores in and I didn’t need the handicap, I win it outright. For some reason I had forgotten what the payout was. My playing partner tells me I just won 600.00 plus 60 bucks for one skin that held up. WHAT THA!!! I leave for Hilton Head next week for the national championship so this money will help tremendously.

Moral to the story is: When your irons are going left, just hurt your back and sign up for a tournament.

Hope everyone has a great week!


First off, congrats on the win! Second off, golf is weird :wink: . Third off, get that back checked out and find a different focus tool.


Congratulations on the win. When I win I never ask why. There were plenty of days when I played well and didn’t win.


Going to the Doc tomorrow. I’ve already paid for this Hilton Head trip so I got to get some relief quick.


There is a lesson.

When you step on the course it’s time to play GOLF, not GOLF SWING

Good stuff, congrats.


The back injury concerns me, as I have one and towards the end of my ability to play, I was hitting stuff left because I was basically incapable of clearing my body, so the only path the club had was over the top.

Be really careful. I haven’t swung a club in 2 months and won’t for at least another month.

I have torn cartilage. Got an epidural on Thursday. Still in pain, just significantly less.


I’m 53 years old and know better than to go to the driving range too much. Two weeks ago I was trying to get ready for a two day tournament and was going on my lunch break and after work. I hit way too many balls and that’s when my back started hurting.

I did the same thing last year and it took a few weeks to get past it.

I’m hoping a steroid shot will get me by for Hilton Head and after that I’m taking at least a month off to heal.

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Good to hear! I had a heck of a time getting to the steroid shot…

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My cousin is my doctor so he helps me out when I’m in these kind of situations.

Nice work! Even better payday!

That’s a great day of golf.

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Congratulations on your win and the day. Don’t put off getting your back checked. Having dealt with a variety of neck and back issues over the years, it’s no fun playing when either of those areas hurt. I never thought I’d say this but, I’ve had a lot of success with chiropractors helping relieve my neck and back problems.

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Congratulations on the win. That is awesome. Have a great time and best of luck at Hilton Head.

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So very, very sorry to hear of your injury, Craigers. Pain SUCKS.
Your message cannot be over stressed; if my golf swing hurts, I’m doing it wrong and doing it wrong easily leads to injury. Ball flight is an indicator, aches are confirmation my swing is off. Pay attention!
Get well soon, Craigers. Rest of us, remain vigilant.

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Thanks… on the long slow road to recovery… lessons learned and all that!