WHS - Needs support, needs improvement or needs shooting?

Okay if the e-clubs provide a GHIN # for the members then, it must be paying dues to the GHIN system.
This club I mentioned had a corporate which paid into the USGA, then it used the features of the index calculating for their e-clubs.
Which also need a local physical address, a real person behind the club to apply under the same name, I don’t see anything different other than they were not paying into the local chapter and the GHIN. Maybe that was the reason why they were not welcomed?
The two large local brick and mortar golf shops which run their own USGA/GHIN memberships are no different than the previously said e-club. A physical location, application and one real person as the club chairman. Hold tournament through the season to have members socializing.
The only difference was one was paying and one is not. Especially not to the local GHIN organization. No difference now since all membership has dues and the local chapter also pay into the GHIN system to get a GHIN index, on top of the USGA index, which is over done.

I attended a short Workshop early in 202, when the WHS went into effect. It was run by my local Association, the Virginia State Golf Association. They told me that the bulk of the $40 or so we pay through my club for Handicap stays within the VSGA, with only a few bucks going to the USGA for support of the GHIN system. Most Handicap administration work is done at the club and state (or Regional) level.

$40 is low comparing to what we have to pay around here.
Yes, bottom line is what made the local organization rejected the e-club index ( USGA). I guess it was the fear of that wave of e-clubs to take over the local and it’s budget.
Makes sense.
WA golf membership depending on the club, from $55-$95 with the USGA index. I think the GHIN charges more for membership. Discounted GHIN if joining a local men’s club typically $85 for renewal and a bit more for new membership. That does not come with a locker.

Interesting. The cheapest way to get a Handicap through the VSGA is $50. There are other levels of VSGA memberships that offer additional benefits. I just checked, and we pay $40 through our club, and because our club is a member in the VSGA, we have VSGA membership as well.

You and me both…
(Actually LOL’d at your comment)

The Texas GHIN app wasn’t too onerous, though not free. Figured I’d make the money back in reduced greens fees at Wortham, then work intervened… (Cue the Undertaker meme…

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I’m sure the club’s treasurer will keep portion of the dues for reserve.
Or as the cost of running the local chapter.
But $55 is the lowest fee for an USGA membership around here without any amenity besides the normal benefits.
I know there be extra fees and buy-in for their weekly mini tournaments on top of the green fees.
A lot of the guys I know quite their GHIN/USGA membership because they don’t play tournament golf much, and they could track their handicap index online.

I absolutely think they’re doing the right thing. In my mind, a Handicap Index is really intended to be used to make competition as fair as it can be. If you’re not going to compete, you don’t need it. If you simply want to track your progress, there are lots of free ways to do it.

100% !

A local senior club ( 80-90 members) holds their weekly get together round of golf and afterward a drink in the club house restaurant. They do travel for golf maybe 2-3 times per year. The club demands a GHIN index because they have the dollar skin, K.P… etc. Membership $85 including GHIN. I guess they use GHIN because the desk-top in the club house use GHIN software.
I guess golf is never cheap even for the retired folks who want to have a little fun time of friendly competition with their peer.