What got you into golf?

Great story, thanks for sharing!

Welcome to the game and hopefully you’ll stick with it!

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Welcome!! You’re gonna hate it and love it. Have fun!!

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It’s a family thing for me - both grandpas played, my dad and uncle played, and so obviously I played from a young age.

Fun story - my dad was trying to teach me as probably a 3 or 4 year old and would take a swing and tell me to “do that”… well he was a righty and I just mirrored what he did. He was not too thrilled I was lefty, but at least I “listened” to him!

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I played every sport as a kid with really no interest in golf until I was about 12.

The first experience I had was with an old set of golf clubs in my grandmother’s garage. Like hickory shafts old. I took them out to the schoolyard across the street and would stack up dead grass as a “tee” and smack them around. I’ll never forget the feeling when I caught one of them solid, I think that was probably one of the first moments I got hooked.

As luck would have it, my brother’s friend’s family owned one of the biggest driving ranges near our house. They gave me as many balls as I wanted, and I remember my mother sitting there while I went through hundreds of balls until my hands were all torn up. I was obsessed with getting that perfect strike, and would rifle through the bucket until that feeling returned. 25 years later, and here I am!


I played occasionally with my dad through my teen years; probably two or three times a summer, he and I would go out and play. I enjoyed it, but never really took it up as a hobby for myself.

The same pattern was true more or less through my 20s as well; I’d play one or two times a summer with friends. It really wasn’t until I moved to my current location (Michigan’s Upper Peninsula) that I really got bit.

I pastor a small church here, and there was a young man in the church I needed to spend some time with. He was a golfer, so I played with him at first to be able to talk with him. But that’s when I got bit hard.

That was about 7 or 8 years ago now. In the meantime, I have added my best reason to play: my son, who has a natural aptitude for the game. Being able to play with him a couple times a week (and sometimes with my son and my dad) is my favorite part of golf.

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I played baseball until I was about 14. In little league, my coach would know exactly when I had played golf recently since my baseball swing would be awful. I wasn’t a great hitter, but it definitely was worse when I played more golf.

Bachelor parties and work events got me started, interested young child has me committed!