Warming Up Before a Round

I’m so bad. I either go straight to the tee or if I do warm up all I do is hit a few chips.

@Mell1313 My pre round warmup is longer than Miguel Ángel Jiménez :weight_lifting_woman:!

Got to warmup an old engine.


I recall a randomized trial of warm-up on D range.

Group A did what most of us do. Hit a few shots from each club, in order.

Group B just hit one shot each from randomly drawn club (i.e., 1 shot with 3 hybrid, then 1 with a 9i, then 1 with 3 wood, etc).

Group B did better on first 2 holes.


I use the Orange Whip for 15-20 minutes. Helps we warm up and helps with my tempo.


Another Orange Whip fan here … so much so that I have THREE of them! The original full-length “Trainer”; the shorter “Compact”; the newer “Light Speed” speed trainer.

Also have another from Swing Caddy that has an adjustable head that allowed you to set the tension to swing to simulated different distances; eg 50 yds or 100 yds.

Typically all of these get used, at home, after a LOT of stretching and warm-up.