The Great Distance Debate

I definitely need a couple blue cardigans. :wink:

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Yeah, that’s a classic look, much cooler than the current half-zip.

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*quarter zip…just cause i know you are a stickler!

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The proposals were for Elite level amateurs and pros to be potential limited so the scenario you use wouldn’t happen.

Personally I think this will get shelved by the money men. The pro game is in reality one big advert. Buy the clubs your heroes use, buy the balls your heroes use etc. If the clubs and balls they use severely penalize the average Jo then they wont want to buy them.

I’ve got bad news for you. The pros are playing much different equipment than anything you have access to.

Can you expand?

Would it help amateurs but is too expensive? Does it only result in small marginal gains that are amplified by how athletic and technically sound the pros are?

Genuinely interested

Much worse, for me, is that pros have access to swings different than anything I have access to. That’s what really hurts… :man_facepalming:t2:

Question…has anyone videoed their swing back view, side view, front view? Once you see the position mistakes you are making…work at 50% power/speed to put the club into proper positions. Video everything. Once you ingrain the proper positions, AND I mean hip turns, knee flex, shoulder turn, WIDTH, that’s huge!you can pick up big time distance. This will take time and work, especially if you were never in the proper positions or even knew the proper positions in the first place. All very good golfers within inches are in these positions, The proper positions are published all over the place on youtube, or just follow Hogan’s Modern Fundamentals. Make these positions backswing, downswing, impact, finish. You will be amazed. Then after that, distance will be incremental depending on how fast you can train your body to unwind to impact. I promise you this works. Palmers impact with persimmon and balata are no different than DJs today with a SIM and TPS…