Putting Quest: My Winter Project

I’ve decided to start heads up putting, but probably should have read up on it before my round yesterday… the key is to hit to your target, not look at the hole… that definitely created some tension in my swing!

I do really well putting heads up on the practice greens, but struggle to bring it to the course… I’m dedicated to putting heads up this month, as I’m giving myself a pass for September on scoring and just focused on trying random ideas and see how they work.


Those are my putting stats from my last 15 rounds… definitely some improvements to be made!

3 putt avoidance is my #1 key, and I think that comes down to focus more than anything, though my home course has some tiered greens that can create issues on longer putts.

My 10-20 foot putting is not great. I’m hoping heads up putting helps me dial that in…

I’ll be tracking my stats on it moving forward, and I’ll start doing some combines in DECADE again and see where my baseline is… I’m interested to do some ladder drills today with heads up putting and see if it helps me dial in my speed better.

I’ve been using this technique for over a year now…started during Covid play. The long lag putts were uncomfortable at first, but it got comfortable and now I look at the hole for every distance. I’ve notice my 3 putts have gone way down (distance control is much better for me with this technique)…and my short putts no longer freeze me. It feels much more athletic to me.

I don’t have stats on my putts per se, but would guess I don’t really make significantly more 5+ footers, but lowered 3 putts and have a ton of confidence over 4- footers now. Feels like it really freed me up.

Good luck!!!

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@LouStagner I’m going to track heads up putting here… this is my first decade combine with it. One three putt from 52 feet with awful speed

I wish they had some better explanation of how the speed ratio is calculated. Higher is better but I’m not really sure what it means without knowing the calc. It may have been added in the app but, as of a few weeks ago, it was not there.

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So ended up playing 18 I wasn’t planning on playing… Heads Up did not do great… i still really like it and am going to keep grinding, but today was messy. -6 strokes gained putting with 3 3 putts (which would be 3 of those 6 strokes)

I found myself missing everything right, and i’m not sure what was creating the issue. It is not a problem on the practice green… I’m playing again tomorrow and will keep practicing with it… I think it’s going to be useful if i commit to it, but we will see.

Funny you bring this up because I had a bad putting round last week and decided to go back to heads up today. I felt way more confident with it, made a couple mid-range putts and had some nice lags. I had gotten away from it after giving it a try this spring, but I think I’m going back to it now.

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Are you recording your leave short stuff accurately? Doesn’t seem plausible that you’d leave it short 100% of the time from 5-10’ (I assume this is when it doesn’t go in). If you are recording it accurately then hit them harder!

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No, I’m not tracking if it’s past the hole or short. No idea where it gets that data.

Do you enter via gps on Decade? It gets it from the positioning on the green of where you put 2nd putt. Screenshot 2021-09-10 082419

I’m in on Heads up. I told Lou I would track for him. Will be interesting to see the results.

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I do, but I didn’t adjust where my misses were… I guess that was my mistake. Oh well.

I reached out to Lou on Twitter, but he never directly responded… I’m still planning on tracking everything here… Putting was definitely better today… had a couple longer putts scare the hole, and only one 3 putt (bad, but OK for me)… I haven’t put it into DECADE yet to see my SG.

I won a webinar last year with Scott and when we dove into my stats it was the first thing he picked out. I didn’t realize either how that was calculated.

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Good to know, I’ll start tracking it better when I do the GPS rounds…

Creeping up in Strokes Gained - Putting… My midrange putting needs a ton of work, but I know what I need to work on… I think heads up will help.

Was -1.47 today, with 2 thrown away on the front and a half gained on the back… had a 3 putt on the front, so that’s 1 of the strokes.

Missed a three footer on the 52 foot putt for my 1 three putt… heads up putting is definitely producing better results.

I need to do a better job of committing to targets outside the hole… worked on that today as well.

Did my usual speed drills with heads up but focused on 20 footers, as that’s my biggest weakness right now.

18 tomorrow!

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And of course Sasho recommends a toe hang putter for heads up (mine is center shafted and face balanced).

I’m not that worried about it… Need to do my SG stats from my last round, but it was ugly.

I use a face balanced mallet for heads up putting….heel shafted double bend. Was the recommendation general or specific to your putting stroke?

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Just what sasho said worked best for heads up. I’m sure I’ll be fine.

Hey, can you do a recap of what you did to improve your putting? Any best practices, what would you do otherwise, how many times per week, any routines, etc? Thanks!

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