Putting Quest: My Winter Project

That’s a great idea… thanks!

I have one in my bag, one in my ‘practice green’ box and one at home for carpet practice.

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First ladder drill

Great drill to work on your speed control. Place a club 2 feet behind the hole…have the ball get to the hole but not hit the club.

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Still loving the putter, and I’m very happy with where my putting is right now.

I’m nowhere near done improving, but I feel like the pieces are in place… I’m making good tempo swings at the ball and hitting my line well… I still need to learn to adjust my stroke to the conditions, our greens have been punched and were wet this morning… I kept leaving things short… but overall, I’m really happy with my putting.

Rest of my game now needs some focus, but I’ll keep grinding the putter as well.

30 putts today, and I don’t feel like I made many putts… I didn’t miss anything I felt like I should have made, and dropped one of decent length.

My speed control is light years better… If you struggle with putting, I highly recommend taking some time and learning to control speed. it makes the game much more fun.

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So a very mediocre day of putting and definitely shined a light on the fact that I still have a ton of work to do, but not in a bad way…

My putting was off, but some time on the putting green got me back to my basics… need to run some ladder drills and practice with my mat…

I’m still learning how to commit to the stroke, I seem to struggle to START the stroke… I think I do better when I actively “start” it vs trusting the pendulum motion…

Interestingly, I had some good success controlling speed when just using my right hand.

My putts per round is already trending downward… I have 31 putts today with a dumb three putt and felt like I missed everything on the first nine I played.

Honestly, I’m in the uncomfortable stage of progress where I’m not used to the “new” way of doing things but it’s clearly working better than the old way… Results are positive, but I’m just not as comfortable as I need to be over the ball…

I won’t get another round in until next Tuesday, but I’m hoping to get some practice in. The SeeMore is still great.

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Or if you want to be a good putter. Speed Speed Speed, everything else comes after.


33 putts today with a 3 putt… and that number feels high.

I’m very happy with my progress, and made some good putts.

Interestingly, I slightly changed the way i grip the club… my left hand on top is more in my palm and I’ve extended my index finger on my right hand… both minor changes, but helpful.

I’ve also put more focus on hiding the red dot… I’d always done it but it’s a more focused part of my routine now.

Did the DECADE combine today for a score of 31 and a .9 speed ratio (I don’t know what that part means yet)… I’m working on Scott’s various putting drills on the DECADE app and really enjoying them… while also doing some other things…

Messed around a little today with where my focus was while putting (tried looking at the hole and focusing on the ball)… I definitely suffer from lack of focus on the putting green and on the golf course in general… going to be interesting to see if I can develop the focus needed to putt better.

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My eyes wander when putting. I may follow the ball, I may follow the clubhead, I may follow a butterfly. What I have focused on is simply picking a spot on the ball, dimple, dirt, whatever. Once I have focused on that I can stroke it. It has of course helped my wandering eyes, but also it has been a pretty good trigger for when to start stroke.

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I’m at 31 on the decade combine test… second time at 31.

Still battling three putts… but I’m happy with where my putting is headed.

32 putts today in the real world. I’m not unhappy with it.

Positives: A ton of confident strokes today. Just back and through with confidence… 0 three putts and I didn’t miss anything that should be made over 80% of the time.

Negatives: Not many great long putts. I hit a very confident 8 footer in for birdie, but other than that I didn’t drop anything major. I was - a few strokes gained on DECADE, and I agree with that assessment… Probably should have sunk at least one more putt of decent length.

I do feel like my putting got BETTER as the round progressed, which usually isn’t the case for me… I’m definitely putting with more confidence from 5 feet and in, just need to build that up to my longer putts.

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Good to see. It looks, to me, that your Positives are more positive than your Negatives are negative. A good round.


I’m really happy with where my putting is… it’s not where I want it to be, but it’s heading in the right direction.

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I may have gone overboard on the ladder drill setup… using my Father in laws surveying tools to measure the gates.


Practice makes perfect!!

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Wise man once said, practice makes permanent…only perfect practice makes perfect!!


variable practice, with a purpose, makes for improvement
12’, 15, 18, 21, 24’ ladders have helped my lagging

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