Just to heap on, a few of the drills Cody and I talked about that I’m going to work on in the off season…
Better tempo: Matching my backstroke to my follow through. I had gotten “stabby” with my putts, and it was killing my tempo (and speed control). Easiest drill is to put two tees into the ground and stand between them… backswing to the first tee, follow through to the second tee… Bryson has taken this to an extreme, but I think I can use my limited time to build more consistency… I also have the new putting mat from SeeMore to practice this at home (while also practicing a better backswing)
Backswing: need to get this more inside… I think my transition to a “piston” swing pushed me a little outside… Mat is a great tool for checking my alignment on a backswing. Did I mention I really like this mat?
Make a lot of putts: @JuanTheGolfer has this drill in his suggestions… basically sink 25 3 footers in a row (I like the lag drills too! but that isn’t making putts)… this will require my course actually cut holes into the practice green, but maybe we can get that done?
Lag drills: Juan covered this well… practice hitting inside a 3 foot radius from 20, 30 and 40 feet… I will probably try to work on this with the tempo drills and find my tempos for these distances.f
I’m happy with where I am on my quest right now. Seemore was a huge help in getting me pointed in the right direction… still a ton of work to do on my end, but I have probably 6 weeks before I’ll swing a full swing.
Last major part of the puzzle is making sure I’m reading greens decently, but I will address that once I start playing more. If you aren’t hitting the ball where you are aiming, you can’t know if your read was good… so I need to get that part down first!