Hitting a 300yd Drive

I think it’s good info and definitely achievable for most people… I’m currently getting 0 roll on my home course due to the weather but hitting the ball decently… I did hit one 300 with the cart path!

Tail wind and hardpan help too!!


I love this - mostly. I think there are a number of equations that can get you to 300 yards. Obviously hitting the center of the club face and having the speed required are paramount, but angle of attack and launch angle can be all over the map and still work.
I’m a very low launch driver of the golf ball by design. I play in wide open spaces so I’ve tailored my game to work in the wind. My cruising speed is right at 115-116 swing, 173-175 ball. So I hit it a pretty long way. My launch is super low around 11, though, so while most of the time I’m 300+ easily, I may only carry it 270-280 and let it roll out.
Most guys that are long hit up on it a lot more than I do. I’m almost flat at impact, so I’m probably the exception instead of the rule.
The great thing about seeing this video, then seeing someone who swings like me, is that it shows there are far more than one way to get to the 300 yard milestone and you’re probably a lot closer than you think. Couple of tweeks, a little speed training, etc and you’re waving as you drive past your buddies to your ball.


I have hit ONE drive of that length in my life. I absolutely flushed impact, and as you suggest, had a helping wind our of my 7 o’clock and hard pan fairway. It was an interesting experience, standing at my ball after a once in a lifetime event, look back to the tee box and think “ a lot of guys do this routinely” :joy:


This gets back a bit to Jon and Adam’s latest podcast on distance. They are emphatic that a lot of launch conditions can be optimized/ near optimized to help us golfers with pretty bleh swing speed. A very encouraging approach.


A big drive for me is 270 (total). I usually hit a bit of a spinner.

The tail wind shows you how much reducing that spin (drag) can help.

I have hit a ball that ran out 315 into a hazard. Tail wind and texas clay that had been sitting in the summer sun for two months!

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Conditions for me are:

A LOT of roll and run.

Longest ever is 298 (damn Shot Scope, was sure it was 300!) I average 220.

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Ha, I used to think I was 300+ all the time… then I got a GPS watch…

I swing above 100 (not sure my exact numbers right now) and have been getting a ton of 270-280 carry drives with no roll, due to my course and my high spin / high launch swing… finally knocked one over 300 with a cart path this Saturday. (I think it was cart path… I did send it)

My game, exactly. :grin:

I max out around 95 club and 140 ball speeds, so 300 is out of the question for me. I would just like to get 250 consistantly!


My numbers and playing conditions are very similar to yours. I used to use a 7.5 deg driver, current is 9.5 turned down to 9. I usually have a mid tee height and have a pretty piercing ball flight, and firm conditions where a 270 carry can easily turn into a 300-320+ drive (occasionally 340-360 with a tail wind) If there is a bunker or something that I need to carry I tee it higher and hit up more on the ball to maximize carry, but prefer my lower stock shot most of the time.

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How many people can actually achieve 16 launch with under 2000 spin?

I use a low spin driver, have a high AoA (~5* up) and high launch (~15*) and my spin is usually in the 2500-2700 range. Only times its under 2000 are when I mishit it high or in the toe.


Very few, however it is the baseline for what is required. It just shows that a lot golfers fully optimized can reach it.

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Sunday. Played early evening. Course is still really hard after almost no rain for whole of April. 10-15mph wind behind on 13th. Smacked a drive. Totally lost sight of it! No idea where it went. Played a provisional. Walked down. Found my provisional around 220y and spotted my first ball 300y down the middle of the fairway. Easy 54 wedge on to the green. Devastated I didn’t get to enjoy the ball flight of my drive :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Without watching the video, is this carry + roll, or all carry?

Adam Young’s blog posts on strike, launch angle, and upper face gear effect lowering backspin, have been extremely helpful for me to maximize the distance I can get with my driver. Although, I do likely have CHS near 105, and I’m not sniffing 300 yards of carry without a Mongo tailwind. Even with my high launch angle these days.

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That’s total… 300 yards of carry is around 120 club head speed even with carry optimized over total distance… (I know because my goal was to carry a drive 300+ to break a par 5… I broke myself instead)

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2 years ago, I was at mid-90s, 140 ball speed. 230-250 carry. I’ve been taking some lessons and started on a fitness plan. I’m now consistently mid-100s club and over 150 ball, 240-260 carry, and now seeing some mid-260s carries. Has been a journey because, well, golf is stupid. 3 steps forward, 4 steps back, two forward, 1 back, 3 forward…

Super helpful video. Will keep chasing the dream of consistent 300 yard drives…


Watching a 50y/o Phil hit 360 yard :bomb: yesterday made me feel like I had to swing for the fences on a few. Luckily the local muni is wide open off the tee and a sunny day had the fairways baked out, leading to these:

I max out around 115 or so when I’m speed training and I’m guessing these swings were around 110. Baby elephant touch around the greens after those drives, but was still fun.


for younger players, yeah, 300 is achievable with lotsa work. For us 69yo players, I’m lucky if I can reach 200, much less 220.

Not sure what it would look like in real life as we are covered with snow…but I hit 284 total distance today on the sim and was tickled pink. I’m 47…swing speed is around 95….but have finally learned to change my path and hit up on the driver.