I’ve long struggled with that same problem…
Something I was shown recently that has really helped me (caveat may not work for you…) …
** Note this drill assumes you’re standing on a mat, not grass.*
** Note 2: it’s recommended to use PW or 9i for this; 8i max, nothing bigger.*
- take your address posture and move the golf ball so it’s under the outside edge of the ball of your back foot
– you’re gonna do some slow practice swings before hitting a ball - as you turn back don’t let your back knee move behind the ball … keep the ball in the same position as you brace yourself against the ball
- as you start the transition get a feel for either … whichever feel works for you … (a) bumping your lead hip LATERALLY towards the target or (b) rolling your weight across your feet LATERALLY towards the target
(fyi my instructor calls it “sway to target”) - as you swing down consciously PUSH off the instep of the back foot and onto the front leg / front door while still keeping the ball in the same position
- continue to move LATERALLY through (what would be…) contact while still pushing off the back foot / straightening the front leg
- AFTER contact is when the back foot is fully off of the ball
I hope this explanation is not too confusing; it’s definitely easier when someone is showing it to you!
It does feel awkward at first, but start with a few slow practice swings then introduce a ball to hit and again start with a few slow swings.
After hitting a few full swings holding the ball in place, take it away and try to replicate all the feels and weight transfers.
Good luck!!