Excellent practice!

So the range near my house here in Minnesota just opened today and I had one of my best practice sessions ever. Not because I hit it great, but because I was engaged on every shot! Here’s what I did,

  1. Reference Crossfield video below, I did the 2nd drill (weight shift fall back, weight shift step through, and in normal) with lw, 7i, 3w, and D. And I observed the contact and ball flight with each weight shift feel.

  2. Reference Crossfield video, I did the 3rd drill with random clubs throughout my bag. 1st, a full wrist bow swing to try and hook the crap out of it. 2nd, a full wrist cup swing to hit the biggest, highest cut I could. 3rd, a neutral feel to observe the ball flight.

Doing these drills are tons of fun because it really highlights the feel vs. real. I hit a bunch of sweet shots with the different wrist positions and it gives me a great idea of how to calibrate of I’m seeing a particular shape or need a 3W to fly high and soft into a green.

Lastly, I practiced some chipping. Not your typical way though. In the photo, you can see I have a station pointed at the alignment rod. I set up square for all shots but manipulated the face and selwing to go through the sequence of hitting a chip right, left, over top of the stick then low right, low left, and low hit the stick. I could really feel my chipping control developing as I experimented with achieving the task vs. focusing on the technique. To finish off chipping, I set a ball on a tee about 5 paces away and practiced hitting chip shots to knock the ball off the tee. Really helped dial in my landing area.

Give it a shot and good luck!


Awesome work! Thanks for the videos and ideas…

I’ve been grinding block practice with the sieckmann stuff On the chipping green… I’m in that weird state between first trying something and being forced to concentrate and having it fully ingrained… tons of swings between old and new methods…

It’s almost time for me to start rebuilding my full swing, so some drills are always good.


Reminds me a lot of @Adamyounggolf 's Practice Manual book he authored. That book lowered my handicap at least 2 strokes. Differential practice is magical.