Dominant eye in golf

Preliminary Update: Well, early evidence indicates my thesis was precisely wrong. I seem to struggle with ball-striking and target alignment when right-eye dominant, not left. Apparently, most days my brain/eyes revert to my natural left-eye dominance but every so often switch to the “trained” right-eye dominance where I struggle.

Ran across an eye-opening (poor pun) article:

Hope this helps!


^^ Interesting site! Plus it clearly explains right on the homepage why I’m not on the pro tour …

“Theory may now be able to explain why the majority of tour players are cross dominant, left eye dominant and right handed or vice versa and why there are so few with a dominant right eye who are right handed.”

Ha ha, but seriously - got me thinking maybe I should be using my dominant eye, not both, to line up my ball to my intended putt line on the greens! Gonna experiment…