Anything as enjoyable/challenging as golf?

Hi all
Has anyone got a job or another hobby that they find as enjoyable or challenging as golf?
Be great to hear what and why


When my golf game is off, I wish I did. But I do not.


Ha ha, great question! Kinda on the flip side… I used to ski a lot when I was younger - and was good at it; used to race small sailboats in the summers - and I was good at it; picked up windsurfing and (wave) surfing later on - and got good enough at both of those; then… then… at age 53 or so decided to try golf…

And yes I still suck at it, but yes do I ever enjoy the challenge of trying to improve!!!


Good question as I’d like to find a winter hobby to occupy some time. Some friends bowl and play darts and I have done that and it challenges me, but can’t say I’m into either. I used to love skiing, but I seriously hate the cold and haven’t done that in years. If my house had higher ceilings I would probably have a room with a really good simulator for indoor golf…our family room does, but the wife won’t let me take it over lol.


Such an interesting question…I get bored with so many other things I’ve tried, but can’t seem to get enough golf…swing/putt/watching it on tv/reading about it/forums/podcasts…etc. I’ve tried guitar, fishing, basketball, woodwork, swimming, and loads of other things…but none of them hold my attention too long. The only thing that really keeps me interested is chasing my kids around to their activities…and soon that will need to shift to the grandkids I guess.


For me, a good brisket comes close. But it takes 5 times longer… :wink:


Oh man… do we need to start a bbq thread? I’m using a traeger cause I don’t have the patience to maintain a fire all day… probably buying a better pellet grill this fall…


Anything as enjoyable/challenging as golf?

I’ll just say… yes. In both respects.


Only thing i like as much as golf is wade fishing…

Literally the one thing that costs more, takes up more time and pisses off my wife more


Welcome to the community! Short answer I would say yes in that any pursuit CAN be as enjoyable/challenging as golf, but there are very few that are as accessible.
It’s funny because golf has traditionally been seen as such an exclusive sport, but really it is one of the few things out there that can at least try to create an even playing field across anyone who steps on the course (through handicapping). The example I always use is that even if I was passionate about basketball, LeBron James would beat me one on one every time to 10 even if I was given 9. Give me 9 strokes against a PGA player, though, and I might have a (small) chance.

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Music. I’m learning to play Bach on the mandolin.


Yup, after years of stick burners, guess I lost my appetite for MGD at 4am. Got a Rectec and about 8 years of sleep.
Prepping a packer to put in tonight!
Fortunately/unfortunately my ‘que is better than my golf…:cry:

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Sounds like you hit the trifecta… :wink:

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Raising my kids with my wife. BUT, they hated golf…You either love it or hate it, right? Now that they are outta our roost, I need a new challenge…I bought a new junior set at a yard sale and I’ve put a golf club in my grandsons hands…we’ll see how that goes. He likes it when he hits it and it goes “far”!


Nothing else compares for me

Turning 53 next month which means I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I can honestly say that I love the game more today than I ever have.

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That is enjoyable and challenging, no doubt

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Well, one thing you can say about riflery is there ain’t no fourteen-guns-in-the-bag rule. At least not in my state.


Short answer, no.

There is nothing comparing to the sport for the Kings and the Queens. which is demanding on both physical and mental endurance. Rewarding and frustrating from one moment to the next; takes up too much time, in the same frame, one will wish to go around another 18 again standing on the 18th green.
Pursuing the woman you love might come close to it but, no, nothing is like golf.


Yes, but different. And I am not as obsessed. I play bass, and sometimes guitar, for fun. No band, just learning and practicing songs and techniques. Playing along to songs or videos.

However, if I had to choose between playing bass and playing golf it’s no contest. I am teeing it up.