Well, I had to cancel a putter fitting to try to move the ball forward on having someone professionally stick a needle in my back… but I’m a prime candidate for a putting fitting and haven’t done it…
I think the ability to get fit for a putter has improved dramatically since I bought my last putter. I’m planning on getting a full fitting done, and honestly, I want to try different companies fitting procedures…
I might end up down in Nashville and go hit both SeeMore and LAB up for fittings…
From my experience, you have to choose the putter brand you want and THEN get fit for it… it’s hard to go and get a brand agnostic fit.
My cousin swears by his Edel fitting, even if he doesn’t game an Edel putter anymore (he’s playing a LAB BLAD). He said it was informative across a number of metrics, especially how he was best at aiming… honestly, I want to do the full, hardcore fitting, which is less available in Louisville.
I don’t know… maybe I need to go get loft and length sorted out first and then worry about the more in depth issues… It’s definitely on my mind as something I want and need to do.
If you have any suggestions on who I should talk to about getting fit, I’m open to it… we have a Club Champion here, but I’d rather give my money to Golf Headquarters.